Thursday, August 17, 2017

You know what causes blood bowel movements

Bloody bowel complaint is currently often complained of by the vast majority of people, so it is important for us to determine the cause of these blood bowel movements. Blood bowel movements are a typical case and are also used seriously as a sign of health workers that occur in the lower part of your indigestion. Our Serour canal is starting from the intestines, the colon, and the rectal anus with up to Kelowna each. The causes of bowel movements that accompanied this blood is also a variety ranging from the enlargement of the blood vessels around the anus, infection of germs, the inflammatory process occurs throughout the malicious process of our cephalonor cancer channel Serena. We, therefore, refer to the discussion of the causes of the following blood seasons.

Beware the reason for the bloody chapter below!
And blood defecation is a serious medical condition that needs serious treatment of the health workforce. Cause any multiple and require a special check to support the correct diagnosis. This will be covered under a number of conditions that are often the cause of bowel movements mixed with blood.
• Hemorrhoids or Ambien
Hemorrhoids or the Ambenin community known in the medical world is known as the term hemorrhoids. The hemorrhoids themselves are divided into two types based on the location of anatomical anomalies that suffer from internal hemorrhoids, etc. The cause of hemorrhoids or am pinyin this is a thickening of the tissues around the anus that consists of the blood vessels and this can cause the thickness of various complaints that are extremely annoying. This thickening of a habit is affected by the strain that is often suffered by patients who are difficult to defecation.
As mentioned above this hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids, it is divided into internal and external hemorrhoids based on anatomical site. On the hemorrhoids or the outer artery of the poster, the complaints that arise often do not feel comfortable when seated and sometimes the pain caused by swelling is also clogged in the blood vessels around the anus but rarely causing bleeding during the defecation.
In contrast to hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids or external hemorrhoids internal usually do not cause pain and are more synonymous with bowel movements out of the blood. The blood that comes out is fresh red, dripping while the chap is not mixed with dirt. In another phase of the thickness of the blood vessels that carry on these internal hemorrhoids may experience or out while hunting. Basoor prostration model is what will determine the diagnosis and also the kind of treatment that will be accepted by the patient.
In the advanced stage of prostration hemorrhoids usually, cannot be put back into the anus and require treatment in the form of surgical therapy. In the early stage where there are only chapter complaints accompanied by drops of blood, non-surgical treatment has become the main option. Non-surgical treatment is to modify the diet by consuming more fibrous nutrients, drinking a lot of water, and also reducing meat consumption so that the chapter is smooth. In addition to avoiding stress or strenuous activity habits that cause you must strain while doing so.
• Sienna tract Infections
Cyna tract infections can be the cause of these bloody movements known as dysentery. Dysentery itself can be caused by ameba infection (parasites) as well as bacteria. Both types of this germ can infect your colon and cause you to experience the blood separation. In the case of dysentery, patients often complain of mixed blood and liquid separation also mucus that has happened more than 10 times a day often called bloody and viscous diarrhea.
In addition to slimy and bloody diarrhea, patients may also complain of stomach cramps, fever and weakness also due to the loss of a large amount of fluid from his body. In contrast to hemorrhoids, in the case of dysentery therapy that is given is not a form of surgical treatment unless treatment with some antibiotic use. Because soon you check yourself for your doctor if you have a dysentery complaint as described above.
• Bronchitis
In contrast to the infection channel through which we can identify the cause of germs, the process of inflammation that occurs in this immune-based canal is compromised. Chyna (Inflammatory bowel disease) is a condition of chronic inflammation that occurs in the intestine with dominant genetic factors.
Genetic factors have a lot of effects on medical conditions, in addition to paralyzing the immune system towards bacterial infections in genetic factors, the channels can also be defensive skin disorders so that the bowel indigestion easily attacked environmental factors such as high diet in animal protein or smoking also gives the estimated impact on this disorder.
Inflammatory bowel inflammation consists of 2 types of anomalies, which inflammatory processes can occur in all ducts and colitis colon disease also where the only process around the colon lining. The symptoms arising in the form of continuous diarrhea with blood are accompanied by abdominal pain, diarrhea plus some patients who suffer from constipation, weakness and weight loss as well. Inflammatory bowel disease is a disease that requires the special handling of a specialist in this disease. Beware of the symptoms!
• Cancer Channel Senna
Cancer or malignant neoplasms is one of the causes of blood bowel movements that are often suffered by parents. The malignant neoplasms channel can be operated by other medical conditions such as inflammation of the serfdom and environmental factors also such as high animal fat consumption, low fiber, and also usually smoking.
The cancer channel that I have often encountered is colon cancer (colon and rectum), with complaints ranging from discomfort in the abdomen, bleeding due to limp on the longest complaint layers that have experienced a good experience. Channel bleeding patient's experienced indigestion gradually occurs, starting from the only implicit, need for a special checkup to detect it, to a massive bleeding which can be viewed directly.
• Congenital birth defects
Congenital birth defects occurring in early childhood are known as the invention. The same invention is a disorder that occurs when there is a section of the intestine in the other colon that evokes the complaint in the form of a blood-like gelatin that accompanied the big baby crying because of pain. This disorder requires surgical treatment of physician experts.
After reading the various causes of the blood bowel movements above, we certainly need to be aware of any complaints of defecation accompanied by the blood of any cause. Dengue fever is a serious sign of the chapter that has something to happen with your indigestion and the bottles that need to handle the proper doctor. Hopefully, this article will be useful for all of us!

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