Thursday, August 17, 2017

The myriad uses of betel leaves, you need to know

The betel plant is native to Indonesia, so the usefulness of betel leaves for health had pretty much known and exploited by society Indonesia. Nevertheless the community generally only know a few of the many benefits that can be drawn from the betel leaves. From the time the ancestors, the betel leaf is already proven to be able to provide good benefits to health. Benefits of betel leaf, among others, is to help heal canker sores, coughs, sore throat, Burns, acne, dengue fever, up to bad breath and body odor that is harming the environment.

Various Uses Of Betel Leaf
Betel leaf has some active content that can provide benefits that are good for the body that is being afflicted by the disease. This herbal plant contains essential oils, beetle phenol, sesquiterpene, diastase and Kavi Kol starch, which is antibacterial, can fight free radicals and anti fungal. All useful content this is the reason of the usefulness of betel leaves for health. Here are some diseases that healing can be assisted to take advantage of the usefulness of the betel leaves:
1. Prevent and treat thrush
To was the usefulness of the betel leaves as an antidote and a cure canker sores, it takes three pieces of betel leaf. Wash the betel leaves to clean and then simmer until wilted. The result leaves stew, creamed and then paste it in the mouth that experienced thrush. Let stand several hours. When this pen NGO Batan with thrush felt improved, continue the treatment until the canker sores heal.
2. Relieve and treat cough phlegm so, coughing, and phlegm so no sore throat
Other uses of betel leaf are able to treat the symptoms of inflammation of the Teng Goroka Nyang annoying such as coughing or phlegm so phlegm so. Grab a handful of fresh betel leaves, then wash the leaves until clean. The betel leaves are boiled clean in two glasses of water. Then add the ginger pieces so that the herb was warm and spicy. Boil water until still remaining 1 cup water. Drink herb 1 to 3 times per day.
3. Eliminates acne
Get rid of acne, which reduces the value of the cosmetics in advance is one of the other uses of betel leaves. It takes 3 to 5 pieces of betel leaves are medium-sized, then wash the leaves until clean. After waiting until the leaves dry out, mashed leaves until smooth, then duh in a glass of hot water. Stirring the potion, then turn off the heat, and wait until it warms up. Use water as washing water concoction. Wash your face with water twice a day.
4. vaginal discharge Cure
Health problems that commonly occur in women this can be cured by betel leaf. 10sheets of betel leaf that's been washed to clean. Then, the betel leaves are boiled into a two and a half liters of clean water. Simmer over a low flame until water boils. After boiling, leave the herb until temperatures warm up lukewarm. Wear this sedum betel leaves the water to cleanse the female sex organs.
5. Help treat dengue fever
Quite a lot of alternative medicine that can help treat dengue patients and restore.Helping the recovery of patients with pain of dengue has become one of the uses of betel leaf for your health. Provide 5 pieces of betel leaf that have been washed clean. Then, boil the leaves in 2 glasses of water, bring to the boil and leave to stay the remaining 1 cups of water boiled away. After a rather warm, boiled water. Drink 2 glasses of water decoction of betel leaves per day.
6. Prevent and overcome bad breath
Having bad breath is indeed not the conditions that endanger the health of the body, but obviously, bad breath can decrease your self-confidence. Eliminate bad breath is one of the uses of betel leaves an already well known. How to make use of them is quite easy; prepare 3-4 sheet of betel leaf that's been washed to clean. Boil the betel leaf to boil, let stand for 3 minutes. After that, turn off the heat and wait until water temperatures warm into the stew. The stew with water Kumurlah 3-4 times a day, especially after eating.
7. Removing underarm odor
Other circumstances that may lose confidence or underarm odor is body odor which failed to disappear. Well, the usefulness of betel leaf to eliminate and reduce the body odor may be the answer to your problems. It's easy, prepare 30 pieces of betel leaves and put into a pot that is large enough. Pour water to taste, and boil the water to boil. Once boiling, turn off the heat, then add cold water until the temperature warms up. Use this water to bathe, don't forget to wipe the water boiled in the armpit repeatedly. Do periodically until the body disappears.
8. Reduce asthma attacks
Other uses of foliage are very useful able to reduce asthma attacks. May reduce the severity of asthma symptoms and the possible appearance of repeated asthma attacks. It is easy, preparing 4-5 sheets of paper from the beta that has been washed clean. The foliage is boiled with two cups of water boiling. Simmer on me and wait until the remaining 1 cups of refined water from Bill Bebelle. Drink alcohol from the results routinely 2-3 times per day. To remember is the water, it is not advisable to have an alternative medication is a drug doctor, so you have to keep on wearing a doctor's medication in addition to using my home sheet for your asthma.
9. Treatment of Burns
Burns is a medical term used to describe the skin condition affected by heat, hot water, covered either burning hot objects or sunburn more. The healing help of damaged skin burns is one of the uses of foliage is very effective. It is easy, take some threads of a sheet of beta (modified with skin burning), wash to clean, and then boil the water up the withered leaves. Attach the leaves to the affected skin burns area. Do this after bathing until the skin gradually improves. Keep in mind that the engagement sheet should not use the first aid event of Burns.
10. Getting rid of itching
The use of leaf leaves is no less useful than being able to eliminate the itching sensation. It is easy, the preparation of 5 pieces of foliage (or modified with the area of the skin that is itching) and washes to clean and boiled with boiling water. After somewhat withered, take the house-sheet, and then mashed or mash up the soft. The collision of the beetle leaf is placed on areas that itch, then covered with a clean cloth that was moistened with warm water (already mature). It is not recommended to use the House sheet in the skin with an open wound because it can cause infection.
It is not a wrong procedure to choose the first option as it leaves the house to treat and relieve the symptoms of the disease. But keep in mind not using foliage as a treat, because of the use of water or any unsterile substance in the eyes can cause inflammation of the blindness. You also need to know that few studies suggest using a long sheet of Betty that can stimulate the disease in the gums and mouth cancer. Use the home paper when you need it in dosages are not excessive.

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