Saturday, August 19, 2017

Alternative medicine with Bekam

Alternative medicine Bekam growing joy in the world of healthcare in Indonesia in these past few years. Not only in Indonesia, in America the way he carried out the famous public personal Piccam in Hollywood, including actress Demi Moore and Gwyneth Paltrow as well as Britney Spears who was also in Cam Dharma, Dr. Petra Zezebatai of Vienna, Austria, an expert in herbal remedies that implements Cam methods (Hijama) and suspended (treatment leech).
What is Bekam?
It offers alternative healing medicine for various ailments in much cheaper rather than medical treatment.
The Alternative medicine comes from the Middle East. The word Bekam is the same translation of the word in Arabic Arabic which is an argument that means Mexican. Make the definition of an infatuation or a webcam known as a blood-sucking event with a pipe-like tool, removing blood from the skin surface with Pinyyalá.
By doing the sucking or facts then the negative pressure resulting in the cup/capes, so that the excess fluid body drain occurs (dirty blood) followed by toxins and removal of connective tissue adhesion adhesions, will "clean" the blood flow to the skin surface and the muscle tissue that has stagnated as well as the peripheral nervous system stimulation. Prebiscam is the classical treatment methods used in treating a variety of disorders are diseases such as hemophilia, hypertension, gout, rheumatic arthritis, sciatica, mother back (back mother), migraine, dizziness, anxiety, as well as other common diseases both physical as well as mental.
Distinguishing between species through 2, namely:
Beccam dry, the process of this kind of done with pic cam sucks the skin surface and rubs the surrounding place without removing the dirty blood. Beccam dried to relieve emergency pain or used to relieve the lower veins of the back pain due to rheumatic diseases also cause rheumatism to come back. Often this type of Bekam applies to people who fear needles and fear of seeing blood. The Di picam skin will show a dark red for 3 days.
Bekam process wet type treatment that is done after Piccam dry and di prose with skin surface injury with needles that are already sterile, the nearby chimney with a set of Hijama and a hand pump to draw blood. Blood is thought to be filthy. The duration of the connection is 3 to 5 minutes, up to 9 hours, depending on the disease, in some cases allowing the process to take a longer time.
Blood Bekam
The perpetrators were beaten by medical scientists in Damascus, Mohammad Sekhigamon, in the scientific articles on public and secret treatment, which is about the mechanism of healing the practice of the body located in Bekam from damaged blood that prevents the passage of functions and functions of the body altogether, so that the body becomes prey to tender for a variety of diseases. 2]
Blood through the search process results seen from the Beccam lab blood. Based on the search, I saw things as follows:
This blood contains the tenth levels of the blood white cells (lelesit) that are in the bloodstream. It is clear in all cases considered, without exception. This fact shows that the Bekam treatment protects and strengthens the immune system elements.
As for the Reds (red blood cells), all the red blood cells have an abnormal form, this means that cells are not capable of doing these activities, besides also preventing other young and active cells. It is a menindkhouse that the MySQL process of ignoring piccam-destroying red blood cells and blood that was no longer needed by retaining the white blood cells in the body.
The ability to link iron in high blood once (550-1100), the only thing that shows that I keep iron piccam inside the body did not enter the blood released together with the initial use and iron Bekam in the formation of small cells.
Bekam treatment in modern America and Europe
Recent search of method/Hijama is a lot to do. The research includes healing mechanisms, the method of work, as well as the health benefits of the works. An emerging research is being conducted by Dr. Amir Mohammed Al Sheikh. He is a guest lecturer at the University of Chiuhugo, who is also an award-winning natural Medicine in America, as well as parts of the member organizations of alternative medicine in the United States.
According to him, the treatment with Bekam Central and studied in the medical curriculum in America. This is done through the proven treatment phenomenon because Bekam is useful.

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