Monday, August 14, 2017

Different ways of HIV/AIDS must be prevented

Information on how HIV is being transferred from AIDS is important for all of us to be able to prevent this deadly disease. As we know, the incidence of HIV morbidity and mortality has always increased every year. Therefore, we must all be vigilant and have an obligation to protect yourself and the family from the transmission of HIV/AIDS. You may not realize that HIV is around you and can be targeted at any time. These efforts to prevent disease must continue socially to break the chain of transition.

AIDS is a disease caused by HIV (HIV), and HIV is attacking the human immune system (lymphocytes). Next the HIV virus is the name of the virus while AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is a disease that evokes. But in terms of disease, the masses are often combined in HIV/AIDS. Before symptoms are shown, people living with HIV are often referred to as infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. Then after reason a variety of symptoms reduced body immunity, then it is a sign that HIV has been given to AIDS. HIV positive HIV development process this is usually the case in very long time (5 to 10 years in general).
Prevention of various methods of HIV/AIDS in the following
We are often extremely concerned by the fear of HIV infection. There may be a belief that by touching or shaking hands with people living with HIV/AIDS, we can but it is not true. The warning was indeed an obligation, but he must certainly know his knowledge so that there would be no excessive fears. In order to have our vigilance right on target, then here is a way to fight HIV you need to know:

1. Through Liquid blood
How to move the first AIDS virus through blood fluids. With the entry of HIV into the vascular system, it will certainly cause this virus to evolve within the human body. There are different ways to introduce HIV into the blood vessels of others so that there will be HIV/AIDS infection. The road through the injections of blood, syringes, and various different Sikhs penetrate the skin.
How HIV is infected by blood through blood donors through the containment of HIV. So before receiving donors, it should be sure that blood donors are free of HIV. Additionally, using a non-sterile tranvolie tool can also be a means of transmission. In this case, medical personnel, particularly in the blood donation unit or blood units that she played a key role in providing the blood of the bag completely free of HIV, and the tools used are
While the methods of HIV/AIDS infection through syringes are often exposed to drug addicts who rotate injecting drug use. Additionally, syringes are frequently used in medical services and are also of course extremely risky for HIV transmission. Today, however, the health care facility may require the use of disposable syringes. Other practices that penetrate the skin and are used for exchange are also at risk of transmission of HIV, such as tattoos, acupuncture needles, etc.
2. Through liquid sex devices
The number of people living with HIV is increasing through the current liquid sexual devices and are becoming the easiest media for HIV transmission. This is due to the large number of prostitution that causes the secrecy or publicity of persons with a slightly changed partner. Moreover, if the condom was not used at that time. This method of transportation does not only lead to researchers and peddlers of sex who can be infected with HIV, but people who are not sinful that the official partner at home who knows nothing can also join the contract.
Transmission of HIV is not only transmitted through intimate relationships between couples of the opposite type (asymmetric), but can also be passed on by same-sex couples (homosexuality). The transfer to this pair of homosexuality usually occurs because of the relationship through the anus, and the blood vessels in the anus rupture easily/burst, so that if one carries HIV so that it will be easy to contain blood vessels.

3. Mother-to-child transmission
HIV/AIDS can also easily be transmitted from mother to child. The transition can occur in time of labour where the mother's blood and fluid in the uterus (mother secretions) can contaminate her child at the moment of birth. While cross-placental transport from a wide range of research is not exactly the case. Because HIV cannot penetrate the placenta so that the risk of transmission at the time of pregnancy is relatively small.
addition to work, at the time when HIV transmission from mother to child can also be transmitted through breast milk (breast milk). In order to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV, it is important to carry out an examination of pregnant women or until the time of marriage. If the HIV-infected mother or August is positive, the subsequent candidate can be prevented from transmitting HIV.
If the potential mother who suffers from HIV is known since early childhood, the physician usually offers drug treatment argv (retro anti viral), provided by Caesarean section, the method of providing the right method of nourishment, as well as other actions that reduce the contamination of blood or bodily fluids from the mother to the child. In this way, the chances of mother-to-child transmission of HIV are very small and not even at all (0%) can be achieved.
After learning about HIV/AIDS methods as described above, it is certain that you should be able to take preventive measures to avoid the disease. Preventive measures could be taken, inter alia, to remain faithful to each spouse, and to abstain from drugs, if an examination blood to make sure that the blood is free of HIV, the medical officer must use sterile medical services. Primarily associated with bodily fluids of patients, as well as doing sorting on potential moms things that we take in mind is that HIV cannot be transmitted through touching, hugging, kissing, eating and drinking with the same Equipment, the use of common utilities, sweat, saliva, urine, or mosquito bites.
HIV/AIDS symptoms tend to be positive after the development of HIV. Symptoms among other things showed this is a severe weight loss, there was constant diarrhea, a cough that is hard to heal, swelling in the lymph glands, and easily suffers from castles, and is infected with ease with infectious diseases, fever, fatigue, low body functions such as breathing, digestion system, and the device at present, HIV infection has not been treated. But the treatment of HIV/AIDS, which is effective in preventing the development of the virus and reduces the risk of the transmission of antiretroviral drugs (anti-viral). Drugs infected with HIV/AIDS have higher expectations and quality of life that will reduce the risk of being referred to others. Even these drugs may prevent the transmission of AIDS from expectant mothers to their children if they are taken as recommended by the doctor.

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