Saturday, September 30, 2017

Natural Treatment tips in order to Advance Smoothly and not Dull Anymore

The Pallid face doesn't just give the impression the appearance of you grim and bleak. But certainly also disturbing thyself in bringing them into the middle of the neighborhood. Sometimes when you observe, face your friend that looks clean, bright and fresh, desire to be like them. Although without make-up, can still look good.

Before she came to the doctor face care, the better you know it used to be the cause of your face grim. For example, as is often exposed to the Sun without any protection moisturizer and sunscreen, or who stayed up late and lazy wash face before going to bed. After that, you can apply some way Hipwee provide below!
1. do not reduce the consumption of water white every day, if you want to have the face glow
Colorless and tasteless drinks such as coffee, tea or syrup indeed tasted more delicious to eliminate tiredness or make you fresh again. However, the best drink required you shall nonetheless water. Not just prevent dehydration or dissolve toxins in the organs of the body, the white water also maintains moisture and smoothness upon you. Believe, keeping the number of daily white water consumption, can make your face bright, beaming back in just a few weeks. Up here, there was still a reluctant drinking plain water?
2. Clean the face mandatory, but not too often. Enough 2-3 times/day.
wash your face
Clean the face indeed rituals don't ye shall pass through. In addition to maintaining the cleanliness of the skin, clean the face so soothing moment for your mood. However, too often clean the face with SOAP did not turn out any better.

Cleanse the face with SOAP don't just lift the dirt, but reduce the oil in the skin. Well, when you often do so, automatic oil levels in your face is getting increasingly reduced. In fact, the balance of oil and water levels so the determinant condition of facial skin moisture. Therefore, clean face every day 2-3 you doing enough time or as needed. The result is sure to avoid will stay beautiful, moist, and ageless look.
3. Keep the normal time--every day 7-8, in order to avoid any stay fresh and toned
enough sleep

Work or task that builds up is often a reason for you to stay up. After that, your new experience resulting from lack of sleeping hours, not just the SAC eyes that appear, but to avoid any eventual look duller. Therefore, to restore the freshness of your face, from now on you need to set the clock to sleep better. At least not every day you require 7-8 hours night rest.
4. Sport though once a week, not just to make your body fit, but also to avoid more blushes
the sport once a week or twice

Not just make the body fit, exercise can also affect health upon you. When you exercise, sweat glands produce sweat a lot from the pores of the skin. Well, in conjunction with the production of sweat that is, shit-shit that is locked inside the pores of the sweat pushed out by taking part, so the pore back clean and fresh. In addition, the circulation of oxygen while exercising more smoothly was the one who would later make the skin also face brighter and shinier.

Wait, what's more, girl, yuk take your time to work out, at least 1-2 times in a week. For the sake of dull skin away from your face!
5. Applying moisturizer or sunscreen every activity, will not only make your face protected from the bad influence of the Sun but also keep the humidity to avoid
use moisturizers don't forget

In addition, to protect to avoid from exposure to the Sun, some of the content of sunscreen can also nourish you. Karen was wearing it before starting the outdoor activities it is obligated to do. But, if your activity indoors, apply moisturizer to the face is enough. The bottom line so that the moisture your face still get protection, and dull skin went away.

As a side note, if upon quite oily, choose a sunscreen in the form of a gel that could prevent the emergence of acne. In addition, the moisture content that dominates on sunscreen type gel can help maintain the balance of oil on the face.
Increased consumption of vegetables and fruit, it is important to avoid anti-oxidants as from within

Keep your diet like vegetable and fruit consumption balance need you note to eliminate dullness. Because, the foods that do not just function as antioxidants your body, but also to avoid. Wouldn't it matter to avoid not only need nutrients from the outside, but also from within so, as much as possible enter one or two types of fruit before you eat, and make sure the vegetable side dish to accompany also Yes, girl

Use only the egg white and honey mask it once a week before you sleep. It's easy, you just need to separate between the white and the yolk. Then combine the honey, you apply to all surface of the facial skin. Wash your face after you wake up the next day. Do regularly Yes, in order to face the back is smooth, toned and glowing.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Omega Fatty Acids as Nutritional Complement

In the body, fatty acids function as the energy to the muscles, the heart, and other organs. Fatty acids can also be utilized as a backup
A Natural Source Of Omega Fatty Acids

Food sources of omega fatty acids there are various, depending on the type. Omega 3 fatty acids are mainly found in the different types of oils, such as vegetable oil, fish oil, canola oil and flaxseed oil. In addition, omega 3 acids can also be found in various kinds of fish such as sardines, salmon, catfish and tuna fish. There are also other types of food such as shrimps, scallops, and spinach containing omega 3 fatty acids.

Meanwhile, omega 6 fatty acids can be found in soy, sunflower oil, palm oil, and the great.

Last is the fatty acids omega 9. These fatty acids contained in animal oil and olive oil. Types of fatty acids omega 9 are seen most are not important compared to both other types of omega fatty acids.
Recognize The Functions Of The Omega Fatty Acids

Each omega fatty acid has different functions. Overall, the function of the omega 3 fatty acids is instrumental in supporting heart health, brain, and body metabolism. However, omega 3 fatty acids are divided into three types, and each has an important function for the body, namely:

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), plays a role in brain development and make the brain function normally.
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), the effect for the body is to help reduce inflammation and alleviate depression.
Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), is used as energy. ALA can also be converted to DHA or EPA.

Meanwhile, omega 6 fatty acids function as a source of energy and help treat the symptoms of chronic diseases. These fatty acids play a role in boosting the immune system as long as it is consumed in the proper amount. When You consume too much will cause the occurrence of inflammation or an inflammation.

In addition to omega 3 fatty acids and omega 6 omega fatty acid there are also 9. Compared to the two other omega fatty acid, fatty acids omega 9 is considered least important and can be produced by the body. However, diabetics who consumed fatty acids omega 9 regularly can lower levels by as much as 19 percent and cholesterol levels by as much as 22 percent.
Advantages Of Consuming Omega Fatty Acids

The many advantages of consuming omega fatty acids, especially for health. Omega 3 fatty acids are known to be able to prevent some health disorders, such as dementia or brain function decline in the elderly (elderly). Omega 3 fatty acids will help to improve memory in the elderly.

For infants, there are at least two benefits of omega 3 fatty acids, that help reduce asthma symptoms and help the brain development in infants.

Still many advantages to consumption of omega 3 fatty acids which can help tackle health problems or help the healing process, such as:

Help reduce waist circumference and keeping the weight off.
Reduce the risk of chronic diseases due to nature.
Reduce the amount of fatty liver.
Increase the level of bone density.
Nourish the heart by increasing HDL or good cholesterol, thereby reducing the formation of plaque in the arteries, blood pressure, and triglycerides.

Reduce the symptoms of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression.

One type of omega 6 fatty acids namely Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), can reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. In addition, a study showed that consumption of GLA can increase the effectiveness in the treatment of breast cancer.

Omega 6 fatty acids in the form of conjugated linoleic acid other (CLA) of known mass can decrease body fat effectively in a study.

Meanwhile, according to a study, the consumption of fatty acids omega 9 likelihood can decrease inflammation and increase sensitivity to insulin.
Fixed Note Dosage Supplement

Although considered by many benefits, but consumption of omega fatty acid supplements, not to overdo it. amount of omega 6 fatty acids is recommended not to exceed 4 times the amount of consumption of omega 3 fatty acids.

Some health risks due to too much consumption of supplements among, increase the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase the risk of bleeding. To ever undergo heart transplant procedure, there are likely to affect heart rate. For that consumption of supplements should always be through a doctor's recommendation.

Other than in the form of supplements, omega fatty acid that comes from certain types of fish also needs to watch out for, because it has the risk of mercury poisoning occurs.

In order to obtain benefits for health, do not forget to enter the foods that contain omega fatty acids in your daily menu. Note the labels and the recommended dosage. If you have a specific health condition, consult a physician before taking any supplements.

Can Pregnant Women Eat Durian?

Even though some people are not like the pungent aroma of durian because however many people thus became a big fan of the type of fruit that is sweet and delicious.

The term King of Fruits as snacks that assert be nutrient content. Even though it contains vital nutrients required by the body, it turns out that durian included in food abstinence for pregnant women (see also: fruit abstinence of the mother). Why so, yuk we follow the following explanation.

Durian contains many vitamins and minerals, so be one of the healthiest fruits good for consumption, but should remain in reasonable portions.

Some of the vitamins in the durian which are vitamins B, C, and e. in addition to carbohydrates, fat, protein and fiber, durian also contains iron, calcium, phosphorus, folic acid, magnesium, manga, copper, to potassium.

In addition to the above substances, durian also contains sugar and cholesterol high enough, so it is not recommended for diabetics and pregnant women, especially with alcohol, arachidonate as well as the nature of the heat there is in this fruit. Even the effects of alcohol in the durian fruit are almost the same danger with alcoholic beverages.

The risk that arises due to Durian Consumption in pregnant women

Babies Born Prematurely

Every expectant mother certainly didn't want her baby was born prematurely because the condition of the babies born prematurely will be exposed to higher risk of complications such as in the lungs, and the heart.

As prevention efforts, we recommend pregnant women restrict consumption excessive durian or wherever possible avoid consumption of durian.

The Risk Of Miscarriage

Durian consumption in early pregnancy is very risky because the content of alcohol can cause heat effect so that harm fetal conditions in the womb. This may increase the risk of the occurrence of miscarriage.

Trigger Uterine Contractions

Arachidonic acid compounds contained in the durian is known can stimulate the formation of prostaglandins that can trigger the onset of contractions of the uterus. The condition of the uterus to contract before the time of the birth, of course, being things that can harm a pregnancy.

The Risk Of Defects In The Fetus

Excessive durian consumption, where the alcohol content in them high enough can inhibit the growth of fetuses that were conceived. As a result of the fetus does not grow and optimally positioned, thus enabling the risk of babies born in conditions of disability.

The Risk Of Experiencing Diabetes

A fairly high sugar content on durian is also one of the reasons why this fruit includes dietary restrictions for pregnant women. Because of the high sugar can trigger the onset of diabetes in pregnant women, and if this is the case can increase the risk of pregnancy complications and birth.

The risk of experiencing hypertension

High cholesterol content on durian triggers the onset of narrowing of the arteries until it can result in the risk of the disease of hypertension in pregnant women. And it should be noted that the disease could also lower cholesterol mother to a fetus that. Besides narrowing of blood vessels can also increase the risk of disorders of the heart so it can harm a pregnancy.

The Risk Of Preeclampsia

Hypertension experienced by pregnant women due to durian consumption can trigger the risk of occurrence of preeclampsia, which is characterized by the presence of symptoms of swelling of the face and hands. This condition should not be because it could cause the fetus died in the womb, could even result in the risk of death in pregnant women.

The Fetus Is Experiencing A Lack Of Oxygen

The existence of a narrowing in the blood vessels as a result of consumption of durian could cause the oxygen flow to the body of pregnant women is hampered, so too in the fetus that is being conceived. This certainly would be very dangerous, because the fetus can become limp and his movement is not active.

Fetal Blood Shortage

Another result of the narrowing of blood vessels is the risk of the fetus is experiencing a shortage of red blood cells. This can cause the baby is anemic, so at risk of needing a blood transfusion at birth later.

Well, the above explanation of the reason why durian should not be consumed while pregnant. Although there are still many pros and cons associated durian consumption in pregnant women is allowed if in small portions, but at least we already know the likelihood of risks which can occur if the durian consumption performed while pregnant.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The Benefits of Aloe Vera For Health and Beauty of Your Body

The benefits of Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera or Aloe vera is a plant that is known since thousands of years and can be used for fertilizer efficacious hair, wound healer, and can be used for skin care. Aloe Vera plants can be found easily in the arid region on the continent of Africa.

The stems of flowering Aloe Vera gels that contain many and useful to speed up the healing of wounds. Various studies have ever been done to test how large the benefits of the Aloe Vera plant. On much, such research concluded that Aloe Vera is effective for treating skin conditions such as dry, flaky skin disease and allergies to cosmetics as well as resolve the problem on the hair. The following are the benefits of Aloe Vera.

The benefits of Aloe Vera

The benefits of Aloe Vera can be helpful to first as an antioxidant so that it can increase the body's metabolism as well as posting help prevent degenerative diseases.

Digestive disorders
Aloe Vera can resolve the case hot stomach, peptic ulcers, and irritable bowel. Aloe Vera is beneficial for soothing the esophagus and overcome the acid reflux.

Wound healing
Aloe Vera benefits one can restore the wounded skin tissue. Aloe Vera gel that is part of the slimy can be obtained with the wrenching parts in the leaf that can be beneficial for wound healing.

Aloe Vera juice is one of a set of natural toxins, but Aloe Vera also contains vitamins and minerals that it can help the body cope with stress in daily life activities.

Can decrease sugar levels
The benefits of Aloe Vera that this one is particularly suitable for diabetics because it can lower sugar levels. 1/2 scoop drinking Aloe Vera juice regularly and organized for 14 days, can decrease sugar levels as much as 45%.

Oral health
Aloe Vera useful troubleshooting on the mouth and gums. This is because the Aloe Vera is able to repair gums deteriorate.

Reduce the visibility of stretch marks
Aloe Vera is very good to reduce stretch marks around the body, this is because the plant Aloe Vera has the ability in maintaining the elasticity of the skin.

Coping with stress
Aloe Vera is also beneficial to stress, this is because the Aloe is rich in vitamins and minerals. Aloe Vera in sports as the juice that is able to help the body cope with stress.

Can overcome dandruff
Aloe Vera can help reduce itching and dandruff in the hair. Use Aloe Vera before shampooing.

Can overcome the wound hematoma and cuts in
The Aloe Vera plant can be utilized to treat the wound hematoma due to the collision as well as exposed to internal injuries.

Overcoming Burns
In addition, Aloe Vera can help to overcome the wound hematoma and internal injuries, Aloe Vera is also beneficial to cope with burns on the skin.

Anti premature aging
Aloe Vera can be used as one ingredient of anti premature aging, this is because the plant Aloe Vera or aloe vera contains antioxidants including beta-carotene and vitamin C and vitamin E to help improve natural firmness to the skin and keep skin properly hydrated.

That's 12 benefits of Aloe Vera for health and beauty. Aloe Vera can be beneficial to cope with indigestion, healing of wounds such as burns, cuts, and hematoma, Aloe Vera can be beneficial as one antiaging ingredient early

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Need To Try! The fast way for pregnant with simple steps at home

Married couples deeply wanted children after marriage. especially for a woman's heart is the fruit of a dream first like to posses after marriage.

Various means will be done to realize the dream. But not a bit of an effort that has been achieved has not shown significant results so many married couples who prefer an instant way but are not secure. Partanyaan that often arise when they experienced problems complained of was how quick is pregnant?

A quick guide how to get pregnant not only sought after by couples who make a new Covenant of marriage, even married couples that have long been married ever complained when they were children?

Information quick tips this over pregnant should be referred to a doctor. But the fact is, sometimes a person who went to doctors do not get what they want. From both the information provided less complete, limited time to money issues.

Although now all the information very easily obtained but most of the information the way so pregnant that is available in the internet are presented in General and not detailed. so it is not rare to come across information that is reliable and can be dangerous for the health of reproduction.

Children born in the life of the husband and wife will add happy for couples, but to get the child isn't as easy as imagined.

Sometimes all a process already is undertaken by a patient, but anything that can hinder pregnancy to miscarry. to avoid this exact way necessary for easy pregnancy and successful in the process of giving birth.

Step In Order To Quickly Post A Pregnant Married

1. Prayer, effort, and believe

A lot of people who want to get pregnant but is not paying attention to three aspects of this. Sometimes someone enterprising praying and trying to get the child but does not remember the Lord/restore all the Affairs to the giver of the child.

Strong desire to immediately get pregnant will ease your stress. If you are experiencing stress then the condition of your body will decrease and eliminate the taste buds in a bed. Trust me you have done all that you have, have been praying to the Lord and the latter believe that God will provide.

2. Pay attention to Lifestyle

If you want to quickly get pregnant then most major things you have to do is pay attention to your lifestyle. If you are a smoker then it's the first one you should look.

Smoking habit will clog the channels of ectopic pregnancy, increase the and make the quality of the fertilized eggs are not good and can result in miscarriage.

In addition to discharging smoke drugs and do not consume alcohol is the best way to be able to conceive. Keep healthy the body by avoiding chemicals including a pattern of healthy living.

3. Keep your Weight

A study shows that around four percent of the women who are overweight will have experienced a decline in fertility. The that was covered in make estrogen production will make irregular ovulation.

Vice versa too skinny body will cause the production of the hormone estrogen is slow so that complicate pregnancy in women. By having the ideal weight will make you pregnant fast.

4. Calculate your Fertile Period

Fertilization is done during the infertile have high success rates so that it can be said a woman who wanted to know the mandatory pregnant, infertile. If a trouble determining the period is a good idea to consult an obstetrician.

In fact, without any doctor, you can find out your fertile period i.e. by using a fruitful time Checker tool, or you can use the application on Android and the iPhone.

Even so, simply we will describe below, but again we emphasize a woman demanded to know the menstrual cycle and can calculate the time of exuberance.

The wife noticed two things this will easily conceive rather than who do not take notice. Prof. Paula Hillard, MD which is derived from the Stanford University School Of Medicine said "for women who have a regular menstrual cycle will not trouble to calculate times fertile. as Your menstrual cycle of 28 days, and the first day of menstruation on 10 March.

Count the days until the 12th and the 16th day. As an example, we've mentioned above. The first menstrual period on 10 March, so that on 22 March to 26 March is a fertile period for you "

5. Measure the Basal Body Temperature

One of the important things you do in determining the fertile period is to measure body temperature by putting the thermometer in your mouth or miss v.

While you are are the time of ovulation, made your body temperature will rise to 37 to 38 degrees Celsius of body temperature normal (normal body temperature is between up to 36 35.5 degrees Celsius).
If the next day your body temperature does not return to normal temperature it becomes a sign that you are in a State of fertile (which is highly recommended to associate the husband and wife). By observing the body temperature would facilitate the process of your pregnancy.

6. Test the accuracy of the Tests above

If very mengingikan so quick is pregnant, do not have much time and you have done these two things above but you still are unsure with the calculation that you do so in other ways, namely by buying the fertile time counters are sold freely on the market .

This tool will measure the horman LH in the urine just before ovulation occurs. The most precise time measurements is from 17.30 to 22.30 and 11.30 to 15.30.

7. Consult your physician

If you already did a quick way of conceiving above but the fruit of the careful yet also present mengkonsultasikanya, then you need to see a doctor. If you have problems with fertility, do the treatment with the help of a doctor.

Never bernggapan you can't get pregnant. Many couples have descendants after trying the most, pray, tawakkal and consult a doctor.

Before and after contains mandatory you do is go to the obstetrician. The doctor will give you some explanation about:

Kondusi body (whether it be pregnant or not), how to connect to make it easy to get pregnant, the lush, what foods can affect fertility, to anything that was done after getting pregnant. consult a doctor is a must for women who expect fruit.

8. Enjoy the process

When a wife wants to get pregnant could so he would feel uneasy and anxious. It is important that experienced normal does not cause stress, When an experienced stress then the brain functions that govern fertility hormones will not run as expected.

This led to a time of ovulation does not occur or is delayed. Perbanyaklah doing activities that can relieve stress as to recreation, watch funny things to chat with family.

9. Prepare the husband

The program will not succeed if the pregnancy is only done by the wife without the help of her husband, the husband must prepare to produce a quality liquid that can form a healthy fetus. There are several ways that should be ditempu husband. among them: avoid smoking and alcohol, consuming food rich in nutrients, etc.

Diabetes – Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

Diabetes is a condition where the blood sugar content exceeds normal and is likely to be high. Diabetes is one metabolic disease capable of attacking anyone. Diabetes (or diabetes) is a chronic and lifelong condition that affects the ability of the body to use energy from food. There are two main types of this disease: type 1 and type 2.
Up to 350 million people around the world have diabetes. In 2004, nearly 3.4 million people died from high blood sugar levels. More than 80 percent of the ovals is caused by marine disease in middle-and low-income countries. The Digital Health Organization estimates that the number of large brands will double during the period 2005-2030.
The main reason for this disease of any kind is to disable the body's ability to use glucose in the body's natural cells. Able to break the sugar and carbohydrates that you eat in the special sugar called glucose. Glucose is the fuel for cells in the body. To enter glucose in cells that need insulin. In people with DM, the body does not have insulin (Type 1 DM) or insulin that is at least adekoffi (DM type 2).
Because the cells cannot take glucose, glucose accumulates in the bloodstream on it. High blood glucose levels can harm small blood vessels in the kidneys, heart, eyes, and nervous system. Therefore, untreated diabetes can lead to heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, blindness, and nerve damage in the legs.
The second type of diabetes has some of the same symptoms and signs :
  • Hunger and fatigue. The body changes the nutrients to the glucose that is used to produce energy. When insulin is not perfect anymore or does not exist, then the body will feel tired easily and quickly hungry.
  • Often urinate and easily become a house. The average person is usually between 4 polycarbonate-7 times in 24 hours, but people with this disease may become more frequent. ? Kidneys usually suck glucose followed by water absorption. But in diabetics, blood sugar levels have already risen so that the body may not absorb recurrent glucose. Finally, the water that passes through the kidneys becomes more numerous.
  • Dryness of the mouth and itching of the skin. As urinating more frequent, water shortages in other parts of the body. You can experience dry mouth and I felt parched. Dry skin can make you itch.
  • Blurred vision. Changes in the level of fluid in the body can make the lens in the eye to swell so that the eye lens changes the shape and loses the ability to focus.
  • In some cases, there are symptoms that tend to appear after glucose and have been high for a long time.
  • Fungal infection. Both men and women suffering from diabetes can be affected by this. Mushrooms like glucose diabetes, so people make it easy to cultivate mushrooms. Infection can grow in areas of skin that are warm and moist folds of the skin may occur in the fingers and toes, and under the breast, and about the organs sex
  • Heal the slow wound. Over time, high blood sugar can affect the flow of blood and damage that causes nerves that make your body difficult to heal wounds.
  • Pain or numbness in the feet.
  • Weight loss. If the body is unable to get energy from you, the cell will start burning fat and muscle to get other energy sources instead. Patients will lose weight even though they have not succeeded as well as not eating.
  • Nausea and vomiting. When the authority burns energy sources other than Glokossa, the result of its combustion is the "keys". The blood can fall into acidic acid conditions, and life-threatening conditions can be called granuloma rolled stadium. can cause abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting.

Treatment of type 1 and 2 diabetes
Type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is also called insulin-dependent diabetes. It was also called with the onset of diabetes because it often started in childhood. But over time, many studies show that this type can also appear in adults.
Type 1 diabetes is a self-immune condition. This is due to antibody antibodies attacked with pancreatic patients themselves. In people with this type, the damaged pancreas does not make insulin. This type of diabetes can be caused by genetic preparation.
Number of medical risks associated with type 1 diabetes
Many of them came from damage to small blood vessels in your eyes (diabetic retinopathy), neuropathy (diabetic diabetes) and kidney (diabetic renal morbidity). Even more serious is the risk of increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Type 1 treatment through the management of insulin, by the way, is injected through the skin into the fatty tissue (piña in the fatty tissue of the stomach).
Type 2 diabetes
So far, the most prevalent form of this disease is type 2 diabetes. 95% of cases were found in adults. Type 2 is used to be called adult diabetes with the advent, but with a large number of cases of childhood obesity epidemic, many teenagers have recently also seen this genre. Type 2 diabetes is also called non-insulin that relies on diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes is usually lighter than type 1 because the pancreas is actually able to produce insulin, but because of the lifestyle and food that is not preserved, the pancreas undergoes "fatigue". The pancreas is able to generate a certain amount of insulin. However, the resulting amount is not sufficient to meet the needs of the body or other cells of the body becoming "fortified" to insulin resistant cells to make it the same. Insulin resistance, or insensitivity to insulin, mostly occurs in fatty cells, liver, and muscle cells.
Same type 1, type 2 capable of causing health complications, especially in the smallest vascular body such as kidney, nerve, and eye. Type 2 diabetes also increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Obese people with more than 20% weight of the ideal body weight-very high risk to be susceptible to this type. Obese people tend to resist insulin. With insulin resistance, the pancreas has to work very hard to produce more insulin. But until then, there is not enough insulin to keep the normal sugar.
There is no cure for this disease. At first, type 2 diabetes can be controlled with weight management, nutrition, and exercise. Usually, this type is developed faster in the end, and anti-diabetic medications are often needed.
Test A1C is a blood test to estimate the average levels of glucose in your blood over the past three months. The periodic test A1C can be recommended to see how well the diet, exercise, and drugs work to control the blood sugar and the result is seen to prevent damage to the device. A1C tests are usually done several times a year.
Call the Doctor if :
  • Feel the abdominal pain which is very good, weak, and very thirsty
  • Often when urinating and many
  • Breathe deeper and faster than usual (the breath of the Kusmaull, one of the risk mark on diabetes)
  • You have the same sweet smell as Polish nails. This is a sign of very high levels of keys.

Not Always Malicious, It Causes A Toned Stomach While Young Pregnant

Young Lady may happen to you during pregnancy. This condition may often result in the concern of pregnant women, although in general, it is a normal process to support child development.
For a normal pregnancy, and generally not serious. However, it does not hurt when you stay informed of this complaint and more carefully. If there are up to four times an hour, we recommend consulting with the doctor.
A common cause
While young pregnant women, in general, because of the uterus being developed will be pushed belly muscles. As a result, the stomach even feels the company.
Additionally, young people can also be pregnant when they are caused by several things, such as:
1.    Ligaments (round ligaments pain) Round ligaments are tissues that help to support the uterus, and this network is connected from all over the uterus to the fold of the thigh. In addition to the development of pregnancy, the size of the uterus will grow. This led to ligaments joining the ligament stretching, causing discomfort in the form of pain. The belly of the already stretched due to the expansion of the uterus, it will feel more hardened due to pain in the ligaments.
2.    Constipation Young pregnant women when they can also be the cause of pregnancy or constipation experience and abdominal swelling. Pregnant at the time, Progesterone hormone levels are increasing. Next, the digestion process becomes slower. Pain in the stomach, because this can be overcome by eating that, relieves the stool like fibers from fruits and vegetables, exercise and drink more fluid in the first place water.
3.    Convulsions can be early signs of pregnancy in some women. If you're experienced, don't rush into a panic. Cramping occurs when young pregnant because at that moment an egg that has been fertilized tries to cling to the wall of the uterus. Young people caused by pregnancy and pregnant women due to convulsions can also occur when paying in the second trimester of the polluter. During pregnancy, then the uterine muscle will work hard to keep the pregnancy. At certain times during pregnancy, such as when holding urine or gymnastics, the muscles of the uterus are already toned during pregnancy and are more susceptible to cramping.
4.    After sex, Other reasons are young while pregnant because sex is up to orgasm. Instant orgasm, the muscles will react and can affect the vagina and uterus, resulting in contractions. At this moment, his stomach is feeling tight.
More serious reasons
It can also be a pain or a young pregnant woman while the cause of a more serious condition, such as pregnancy in the uterus. This happens when an egg that has been enriched by semen does not stick to the uterus. They often stick to fallopian tubes. Generally, expectant mothers who suffer from non-subject pregnancy will feel pain and bleed badly in 6-10 weeks of gestational age.
The feeling of discomfort in the stomach while the young pregnant woman can also feel in the case of spontaneous abortions. Involved in gestational age under 13 weeks. Characterized by a backache, constant contractions and bleeding.
addition, the stomach was feeling tight young while the expectant can be a sign that you have another condition, such as kidney stones, appendicitis, or urinary tract infection (TT). Sometimes mysterious symptoms, because it was just the taste of patients like abdominal pain in general. Also the probability of having mysterious symptoms to be among other illnesses or because of the pregnancy itself.
We recommend that you be vigilant if it is tight while young pregnant accompanied by unbearable pain or down, nausea and vomiting, fever, chills, pain during urination, the fluid comes out of the vagina, or there is bleeding from the vagina.
Basically, the stomach feels young tight while pregnant is not dangerous and does not harm the fetus. However, if the pain does not come to pass as well as the cause is not yet known, it is recommended to check to the doctor for proper treatment.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Benefits for health Japan: Ants Between Usefulness and controversies

Ants are rising that Japan made many curious people will benefit Japan ants for health. Ants are insects that can be easily found anywhere. In fact, saying "there are no sugar ants" appears to be no longer valid for not just sweet food that invites an Ant, but all types of food or certain objects attract the attention of animals on this one. Ant Japan very popular lately due to the benefits of ants is believed Japan could treat various diseases. Moreover, the method of treatment with a tendency to shift towards the treatment of oriental; that includes traditional treatment methods from China, Korea, Viet Nam, and Miss Japan.
Some of the benefits of ants Japan for health you need to know

In terms of the shape is more like Japan ants bees, tanned body with black tends to be hard. Ants have wings of Japan as well as bees, but he could not fly. Ant Japan is known in the scientific world with Latin names i.e. Tenebrio Molitor. Of some of the literature, it was found that the use of Ant Japan to treat disease is in fact already started since the reign of the Qianlong emperor of China. The Emperor died at the age of 89 years in the physical condition is still good and youthful. It is said that the Emperor's physical condition that is the result of for many years.

To consume Ant Japan, there are two ways: using water or putting it first into the capsule. For the first way, simply by capturing some Ant tail Japan, put in a glass, put the hot water, and drink it while it's warm. The second way (insert the capsule into Ant) best done one night before it is consumed. Hence, what are the real benefits of ants Japan for health?

Stabilize blood sugar levels

Ants believed Japan could lose the excess sugar levels in the blood so that it can be very beneficial for those suffering from diabetes. In order to be utilized for lowering blood sugar levels, diabetics are encouraged to consume 2-tailed Ant Japan twice a day, 3 days a week. If blood sugar levels are back to normal, simply by consuming 1 tail ants Japan only once a day, three days a week.

Strengthen the heart and blood vessels

A person experiencing symptoms of a weak heart can consume ants for Ant benefit Japan Japan for the health of his body. It takes 3 tail ants Japan to be consumed twice a day, 3 days a week. When breathing is already getting better and increasing body condition has increased, could be lowered into each of the 2 tails as much as twice a day, three days a week, and is maintained for up to 2 months.

A stroke is a disease closely related to blood vessels; where the blood supply to the brain is interrupted due to a blockage or rupture of a blood vessel, so the death of brain cells. A stroke can cause fatal condition if not treated promptly. For someone who has just recovered from a stroke, the consumption of ants is believed Japan was able to strengthen the blood vessels so as not to be exposed to a stroke back.

Relieve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is the inflammation of the tissue that lines the joints. The joints most affected are wrists, hands, feet, and knees. These diseases cause discomfort for the sufferer as they cause pain, stiffness, and swelling. Not to mention the limitations motion so that daily activities also became distracted.

From research conducted by Zhi-Hong Jiang, along with his colleague, as published in the American Chemical Society in 2008, shows that ants have a good prospect of Japan to be developed into a drug due to rheumatoid arthritis contain the substance anti-inflammation and pain. Other research conducted by a team from the school of traditional Chinese medicine also showed the same results, that 10 percent of the more than 16,000 rheumatoid arthritis sufferers experiencing healing, while the rest reported a decrease in joint pain that is significant.

Benefits of ants Japan for joint health can be felt by consuming 2 Ant tail Japan twice a day, 3 days a week. After the symptoms subside, the overdose can be lowered to 1 tail just as much as once a day, 3 days a week and is retained for 2 months. Even so, on the condition of severe rheumatoid arthritis, the number of ants Japan consumed can reach 5 tail.

Increase stamina and endurance

Ant Japan is rich in protein and other nutrients such as B vitamins and iron. The existence of such content in the body of the Ant Japan made many people believe Japan can improve ant the health condition in General and extend.

Prevent cancer

Ants believed Japan can be processed into material which can prevent cancer. There has been a study conducted by a group of researchers from Iwate University in Japan, which showed that Japan turned out to be Ant extract is able to kill cancer cells in the liver tissue of mice. The study, published in the Journal of Traditional Medicines in the year 2009.

The Advantages and Benefits of Dragon Fruit

The advantages and benefits of Dragon fruit. Dragon fruit is the fruit of some type of cacti of the genus Hylocereus and Selenicereus. Generally, people suspect fruit that is thought to bring blessing to come from China. It may just be because the fruit almost always exists within a ritual or ceremonial custom in China.

Though, the fruit originally comes from the Latin America and then spreading to Israel, Australia, China, and other East Asian countries, Sri Lanka, and Southeast Asia in the end.
The advantages and benefits of Dragon fruit.
The content of a benefit as well as the benefits of Dragon fruit.
Most types of cacti that bore fruits include:

Hylocereus, the fruit is red with white flesh of the fruit.
Hylocereus, the pink colored fruit with red flesh of the fruit.
Selenicereus, with a yellow rind and white flesh of the fruit.
Hylocereus, Dragon fruit with fruit that is so red.

The content and benefits of Dragon fruit.
In 100 g fruit, has 60 calories kcal, protein 0 g, carbohydrate 53.11, 5 g, fiber 0, 71 g, 134, 5 mg of calcium, phosphorus, iron 87 mg 0, 65 mg, vitamin C 9, 4 mg, and water content of a number of 90%.

Source Of Vitamin C
Dragon fruit rich in vitamin C that can boost the immune system of the body. Dried Dragon fruit can be proven to have deposits of 10 times more vitamin C required Agency.

Source of Vitamin B1 (thiamine)
Other vitamins in fruits namely Vitamin B1 or thiamine. Benefits to process carbohydrates with fast and resulted in power to the Agency.

Source of Vitamin B3 (niacin)
Powerful dragon fruit lowers cholesterol because of vitamin B3 or niacin in it. This vitamin can make the skin look smooth and shine in a natural way from the inside.

Sources Of Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 make this fruit is so good an appetite stimulant. Especially for some people who are in treatment, Dragon fruit so it is recommended to be consumed.

Rich In Fiber
Dragon fruit has a high fiber content, and to handle most of the digestive problems such as constipation or hard bowel movements.

The minerals contained in fruits namely phosphorus and calcium. Both have a role in the formation of bones, teeth, as well as changes in the cell.

Antioxidant Content
Dragon fruit is a source of anti-oxidants are good to avoid the attack of free radicals that cause cancer and other health problems.

Protein Content
Proteins are the major nutrients needed by the body to make hormones, enzymes, and other compounds. Keep the protein content in the body with the consumption of this fruit with regular.

Low fat
There are many tiny seeds within the fruit. Apparently, this seed is not enough of the good fats for health due to lower cholesterol as well as get rid of cholesterol was evil.

Control blood sugar
For patients with type 2 diabetes, the fruit is best consumed to control blood sugar so that remains balanced.

Lowering blood pressure
Consume the fruit can restore normal levels of hypertension a so. Great news makes their risk of developing heart attacks and strokes.

Neutralize toxin/Poison
Toxins in the body such as mercury, arsenic, etc., endanger health. But, everything that could be neutralized in toxin diligently Dragon fruit consumption.

Eye health
Fruits contain carotene which helps protect the health of the eye and make improvements to the view. Here's the good news for those who do not like to eat carrots.

Lose weight
The middle of the diet? Try to input the fruit as a snack daily. All most bln. Next, you would see your body looks sleek and ideal. Dragon fruit consumption is advised to lower the weight of your body.

Cure asthma
A Cough and asthma, respiratory problems most often strike children as well as adults. Ease symptoms with Avid consumption of the fruit.

Well, the content of the nutrients in fruits and some for health. A little guide for you who want to buy Dragon fruit for consumption, be sure the fruit that has been downright Cook. Its character when pressed felt tender and nice pink color and the skin of the fruit is smooth

The Benefits of Bay Leaf

The benefits of bay leaf – We often wear a bay leaf to give aroma and flavor of the variety of cuisines. The plant with the name Syzygium, it has a distinctive aroma, so fragrant and quite sharp. In fact, except for seasoning, Bay leaves have benefits in treating various diseases as well as for beauty.

Bay leaf is more popular for treating disease, cholesterol, but surely lots of other ailments that could be overcome with the bay leaf. Bay leaves can be used fresh or dry conditions. Compounds in it will not the same though already dried. Before reviewing what are its benefits, it's good we know what are some compounds in the leaves.
The benefits of bay leaf for health and beauty
Bay Leaf
Content Of Compound Leaves

Leaves contain vitamin A and vitamin c. for size 100 gr fresh Bay leaves, there are 46, 5 mg vitamin A (equivalent to 77, 5% daily requirement). Outside of that, there is also a 6, 185 in vitamin C which is equivalent to 206% of the daily needs of the body. Therefore do not underestimate bay leaf though often make additions as an ingredient in cooking.

With the exception of vitamin, Bay leaves also contain some minerals i.e. copper, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron and selenium. Outside it leaves also contain folic acid so it is recommended for pregnant women. In 100 grams of leaves at least 180 mg folate or equivalent to 45% of the daily needs of the Agency.

The benefits of bay leaf for health

Bay leaf is already in the know started long ago to protect the health and treat a variety of diseases. What are the health benefits? Refer to the description below.

Control Of Heart Rate
The potassium is present in Bay leaf could play a role to regulate the heart rate so that remains stable and normal. So heart health would always wake up and plays well.

Controlling Blood Pressure
When you have high blood disease story, do not be sanctions for consumption of water decoction of bay leaf. The mineral potassium can control blood pressure remains stable up to for the ride.

Stimulates Enzymes Work
Enzymes in the body act to regulate the metabolic system and other body organs benefit. So that the enzyme work grew, we can use Bay leaves, fruits, manganese, and copper in it can perform actions as an aspect of co-enzyme.

Treating Cholesterol Disease
Bay leaves are so known because its benefits are powerful controlling the content of cholesterol in the blood. With the consumption of the herb leaves by means of regular, cholesterol high solve. Step wear it, simply boil the 15 pieces of a bay leaf with 3 cups of water. Simmer until reduced so 1 glass. Drink of water decoction of it 2 x a day until your cholesterol back to normal.

Prevent Diabetes
Bay leaves can also demonstrate potent in controlling blood sugar, to be used to prevent diabetes or diabetes. To obtain the benefits of it, boil it and drink of water decoction of bay leaf as the above step.

Treat Sore Eyes
Generally, the time hurts our eyes wear eye drops or medications betel lest eyes recovered. In fact, the bay leaf can also treat the disease. The content of vitamin A was to protect his eye remains healthy. His pace is quite simply or Submerse in water decoction of bay leaf.

Lower The Content Of Uric Acid
High uric acid in the blood of purine content hinting is also high. It set as a pain and a bit of swelling in parts of the body, especially your joints. To overcome it, we can boil 10 pieces Bay leaves with 10 cups water until so 7 glasses. Drink of water decoction of it 2 times a day.

Treat Diseases Of Magh
If you are often bothered by stomach problems such as math, use a bay leaf to obtain relief. His pace, hand-held simmer two bay leaves with 1/2 liters of water. After the water is shrinking, give a little Palm sugar. Drinking potions that way regularly until his illness does not relapse again.

Addressing A Variety Of Digestive Problems
Digestive problems such as constipation and diarrhea can be treated with water decoction of bay leaf. Time to boil the leaves, give a bit of salt. And drink the concoction that's by way of regularly so that digestion so smoothly.

Prevent Cancer
Awesome thing of leaves i.e. compounds like caffeic acid, quercetin, catechin, and eugenol in it can prevent the onset of cancer cells. Outside it can hinder cell proliferate the cause of cervical cancer. To obtain the benefits of it, just wear a bay leaf in cooking. When done with the regular way of eating, which would feel.
Treating coughs and colds
To overcome the problem of coughs and colds, there are 2 steps wearing a bay leaf. The first water decoction of bay leaf used for compresses an unused sick side such as the chest and throat. 2nd step, drinking the decoction of a bay leaf at least 2 x a day until it recovers.

Addressing The Problems Of The Kidneys
To treat problems such as kidney stones in the kidneys, we can drink the decoction of bay leaf. Boil 5 pieces Bay leaves and 5 sheets soursop leaves already washed clean with 1/2 liters of water. Simmer until 300 ml, so would there be 2 cups of stew that results. Drink warm at the time for the first glass in the morning, and put a mark in the refrigerator. The glasses can be drunk in the afternoon, but the first warm you're first.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

How to Make Eyes Look Great

Have small eye sometimes makes some people feel less confident, especially women. Most women want a beautiful eye shape, beautiful, and great. Everyday life is certainly not loose with communication, where communication is also required for face to face with some people.

Well, for those who have the small eye, sometimes any think did willingly for the sake of getting the shape of the eye of the round and also great. To the extent that there are some people who want to get optimal results with operations, where any cost certainly is not cheap.

Do not take decisions directly perform operations, there are still many ways that you can do to get the eyes that look more beautiful and larger, even with daily activities without removing the cost that much.

In this article, try to give tips on how to make seem larger without draining the deeper pockets. Suitable for you who have small eyes. Check out the following tips:

1. The eye Appears large by using Soft lens

How a simple and instant to make your eyes look bigger is by wearing the soft lens. Currently soft lens already many variants with prices that pertained not too expensive as well.

Color and also any current soft lens motif has a lot that can be embedded on your big eye to give the appearance. Then, what kind of soft lens suited to make your eyes appear larger?

Use the soft lens diameter is quite large. However, if your eyes too small, more recommended wear soft lens diameter being only so that you remain comfortable when used.

While for its own color, choose a color that is not too flashy. Black or brown color more suitable for getting the eyes look more natural. Do not forget to specify the quality of the best soft lens and also do not leave not happen so irritable.

2. The eye Looks great with Curved Eyelashes

Eyelashes are not lifted will make eyes look glazed. Not to worry about if you have eyelashes that impressed down. There are no special skills that you must have to resolve the problem. The eyelashes down can be addressed by making it a tapering.

How do you do? Easy to wear Eyelash curler and also the eyelashes using mascara. You just need to clamp the eyelashes using the special clamp at the base of the eyelashes and almost near the eyes. Do it gently and let a few seconds and then release the clip.

Eyelashes will more uplift and make eyes more tapering as well as impressed. Well, of mascara on your lashes to give effect lashes that impressed more bushy and black. Do I just mascara start from the base up to the tip eyelashes gradually Easy isn't it?

3. Wearing Eyeliner so that the eyes look Big

The wearing of eyeliner will make the eyes appear firmer and more done by some people to be able to make the eyes appear to be larger. This is evidenced by a large number of searches on related search engine how to make eyes look bigger with eyeliner. The trick is quite easy and we will here.

Please note in advance, don't wear eyeliner to surround the eye as a whole. Because it is precise to make your eyes look more small looks like there is a ring with the line of the circle.

To get the eyes appear bigger, eyeliner on the lower rows of eyelashes with doing it gently and do not crash into lashes.

Lukislah about 3/4 from the eyeball, not to the ends of the eye. Then in the ranks of the top lashes with eyeliner, describe the form of a tapered upward with the purpose of giving effect to the lashes look longer. Do these tips indeed must be careful and painstaking with the heart so that optimal results get bigger eyes.

4. Decorate the eyes with Eyeshadow Mix two colors

For those of you who have small eyes and want to make it look bigger, when makeup, eyes with eyeshadow. Combine two eyeshadow colors to make the eyes more round and was impressed more literate, don't look glazed.

For how to make eyes look great you just have to put light colored eyeshadow in the corners of the eyes. Bright color can be white, or silver.

How to Remove Wrinkles in The Face

How to remove wrinkles in the face – get old is indeed a natural process, everyone experiences it. Older but looks at a young age is not the thing that everyone wants and natural, surely there are factors of internal and external factors that caused it. Generally, aging (aging) occurred at the age of 40 years and above, but due to certain factors, aging happens early.

This is the one that causes the presence of wrinkles on the rest of the body, hands, eyelids until the surface of the face so that one looks older than her age. In this article you will find to remove facial wrinkles without drugs, making the face look younger and healthy, of course. For more details, read on below Yes.

The cause of Wrinkles on the face

Before we discuss how to remove wrinkles on face naturally without the aid of drugs, it's good You know why is there a setting wrinkles on the face.

Wrinkles on the face are marked with some areas of the skin loosens, so that wrinkles that arise in layers. At the age of mature, these wrinkles may not be too visible, but if it's been stepped on old age (menopause), these wrinkles can be very conspicuous.

The visible wrinkles can also occur due to the premature aging (premature aging), which occurs at a young age between 20-30 years. Premature aging can this happen in the age of the twenties due to the presence of external and internal factors.

Someone with wrinkles the face that'll look less attractive, it makes a lot of people willing to spend a lot of money just so that the wrinkles on the face disappear.

Why is there a frown on the face? This is a question that is answered by trying a lot of scientists. Broadly speaking, there are two types of causes of wrinkles on the face, the first is the internal factors.

Internal factors include health conditions, genetics, stress levels, hormones, psychological abuse, and metabolism. While external factors include free radicals that are sourced from a bad environment, excess sunlight, very bad eating patterns such as smoking and drinking alcohol and the air humidity.
How to remove wrinkles on the face with natural materials

Once you know why is there a setting wrinkles on the face, now it's time You find out some way remove wrinkles on the face without drugs. Without drugs here means represent the use of natural ways, without medical medicines such as pills, injections, injection, grafting, a method of operation and others. As you know, the natural way is indeed the safest way, free from side effects.

How to remove wrinkles on the face

With a high willpower and patience possessed all that do will be easy to get satisfactory results. Here's how to remove wrinkles in the face naturally and fast:
1. Natural coconut oil

To get processed natural coconut oil can be done by means. Or if you do not want to bother, you can buy them at several stores that provide it. When buying, look at the oil that is purchased, it must be a genuine product. Here's how to remove wrinkles on the face with natural coconut oil:

Prepare natural coconut oil that has been bought
Clean the face with warm water
Apply evenly to the experiencing wrinkles
Do regularly 3 times a week.

2. Tomato

Tomatoes in trust from antiquity to safeguard and prevent the face of wrinkles. Measures addressing the wrinkles on the face with natural materials in the form of tomatoes:

Blend the two plum tomatoes until smooth.
Combine the crushed tomatoes with a tablespoon of honey
Apply on the face which had been cleared earlier.
Do it twice a day, the morning after the night before and wake up to sleep.
Try to clean the face when conditions will be in the DAB.
Once dry, wash to clean with warm water. And continued with cold water. Cold water intended to close the back pore.

3. Cucumber

Cucumber fruit is used as a beauty product for facial cleanser. In addition, the fruit of cucumbers has cooling properties of the face so that it is useful to eliminate wrinkles. Here's how to remove wrinkles in the face with a cucumber:

Parutlah cucumber to taste
Apply grated on the wrinkled faces
Do regularly (twice a week) to obtain satisfactory results.

4. Tea leaves

The tea leaves are beneficial in reducing wrinkles in the facial area. Here's how to make traditional masks of tea:

Puree leaves the tea to taste.
Add honey in the tea
Apply on the forehead, eye area until the entire surface of the face.
To do routine twice a week.

5. Egg whites
Not only are wrinkles, with egg whites you can get the toned face. Here's how to remove wrinkles in the face with an egg white:

Wash your face to clean
Separate egg whites from yolks parts
Apply the egg white evenly.
Let sit to dry, then wash with warm water.
Rinse with cold water. Your face will be smoother and more toned.
Do regularly once a week.

In addition to the natural ingredients on top, other means can be used to address wrinkles on the face is to use herbal potions. Some plants have a very useful content to address wrinkles on the face. Here are some herbal potions that you can try at home:

Ginger: you can make ginger tea twice a day, or you can mix the ginger slices with honey, and consumption of every morning.

Aloe Vera: it's easy, cut into pieces of Aloe Vera, and then paste it into the area of wrinkles on the face, leave it on for 15 minutes, and flush with warm water.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

The Cause Of The Fever And The Correct Treatment

Usually, the cause of fever in the human body is already known in the day 1-2. If you find the cause of the fever that occurs in your body or your family is not satisfactory because the virus then immediately check for yourself or your family doctor.
The temperature of the human body can vary depending on the situation and the conditions. Hypothermia usually occurs in the morning and increases during the day and night. The average temperature of the human body is 37 °c. The body temperature is called natural if between 36.5 S. D 37.5 ° C. Some factors that can affect the temperature of the human body are physical activity and menstrual periods.
Some causes of fever that usually occur in the human body :
  1. Basasmoni, for example, after receiving a pneumococcal or tuberculosis vaccine.
  2. Different types of viruses and bacteria infection such as a sore throat, poisoning, meningitis, typhoid, dysentery, smallpox, urinary tract infections (t).
  3. Infection caused by mosquito bite, dengue fever, malaria, and chikungunya.
  4. Effects of drug consumption such as antibiotics, antidepressants, and antiretroviral drugs.
  5. Stand very long when the scorching sun during the day.
  6. Arthritis and hyperthyroidism disease.
  7. Leukemia (leukemia), liver cancer, lung cancer.

So some things that can cause fever on the human body. Health information about the cause of fever in the human body can add health insight to the reader. The next reading also causes fever in young children.

Treatment of fevers to treat fever conditions on your body. Treating and treating fevers that can help the right to heal from fevers. Readers are encouraged to read in advance the cause of the fever before this topic in order to find out some factors that can cause fevers.
In fact, we don't need a fever antibiotic in conditions that are not very high and not long but for our body is to be comfortable with fever then there are some medications lowering fevers that you can buy in your pharmacies and dope stores.
Some examples of drugs to reduce fevers and overcome the consequences of infection are:
  1. Paracetamol and ibuprofen. A person who has a fever usually eats and does not sleep will feel uncomfortable. Drink the appropriate drug doses listed on the medication card or as recommended by the doctor. The consumption of the medication at the paracetamol dose and the long term can lead to the destruction of liver and kidney functions.
  2. Aspirin. Aspirin is especially drugs for adults. Not for children. This medication can cause the emergence of Riyi syndrome, a disease that can affect the brain and the heart. Aspirin can be found in drug stores and pharmacies without a prescription.
  3. Antibiotics. The medication is given on the basis of prescription if the doctor diagnosed the presence of bacterial infection causes fever, such as pneumonia.

Here's how you can help relieve the fever:
  1. Enough comfort to regain stamina while maintaining the body's immune system. Because if a lot of activity can cause body temperature to increase.
  2. Wear thin clothes and being in the room which is cool.
  3. Cokobe fluid your body needs by drinking enough mineral water to avoid dehydration.

The fever needs to be controlled because you are likely to suffer complications due to fever, such as severe dehydration, hallucinations, and seizures.
Next the proper treatment of the information fever. Check with the doctor if the fever fails to heal within 3 days. Hope not to recover soon.

Symptoms of Diabetes or Diabetes Beware

Symptoms of Diabetes – diabetes or diabetes is a long-term illness that is characterized by increased blood sugar levels.

The cells of the human body require energy from sugars (glucose) to be able to function normally. Which usually controls the blood sugar is the hormone insulin.

When the body is insulin deficient or having resistance insulin on cells of the body, then the levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood will increase dramatically. This was the cause of diabetes mellitus or diabetes.

What are the different types of Diabetes is that?

Diabetes has two main types, namely, diabetes type 1 and type 2. Between the two types, the type 2 diabetes tend to be the most damaging. Almost 80% of diabetics in Indonesia including type 2.

Type 2 diabetes can be caused due to decreased production of insulin or the body less sensitive to insulin. This kind of condition is known in the medical world with insulin resistance.

Types of type 2 diabetes are mostly attacking the people who are already aged 40 years. But along with the changing times, nowadays a lot of that comes from young people. Additionally, type 2 diabetics also more often suffered by comparison to the other Asian ethnicities.

What are the symptoms of Diabetes or Diabetes of it?
Signs of diabetes or diabetes

People say ' it is better to prevent than to treat '. The assumption of this kind is very fitting to diabetes. Yet the presence of diabetes drugs certainly encourages us to be more vigilant against diabetes.

But unfortunately, many people do not know if in fact they are already affected by diabetes. Knowing the symptoms of diabetes type 1 and 2 could possibly be the answer if you've been stricken with diabetes or not.

As for the symptoms of diabetes mellitus among others:

1. More frequent urination

Mark first diabetes you can beware is frequent urination, especially when the evening arrives. Urinating at night may be reasonable, but you ought to be suspicious when urinating more than 3 times in a night.

2. always feel thirsty and exhausted

As described above, diabetics have trouble processing sugar (glucose) into energy. This is what resulted in cells are not able to exercise his duty well, so the body doesn't get the energy and finally the often tired.

Not just tired, disruption of metabolism of body cells can sometimes cause excessive thirst. If left unchecked, this thirst will likely result in dehydration and chapped lips.

3. The reduced weight

Good news for those of you who want to lose weight. But, looking at the factors trigger decline in weight is due to diabetes, will certainly make you worry.

The occurrence of drastic in weight loss is indeed closely related to diabetes, though there are also obese people who got diabetes. The Decrease in body weight occurs because glucose is not able to be converted to energy or energy reserves (FAT) in the body.

4. Numb (tingling)

In many cases sufferers of diabetes mellitus, almost entirely experiencing numbness or tingling (numbing), especially on the hands, feet, and toes.

Conditions of this kind could happen due to high blood sugar levels lead to nerve damage. When blood sugar is high, the more the nerves could experience a numb permanently (paralysis).

5. Reduced muscle time
Diabetes not only makes the weight down but can also be triggered a decline in the era of the muscle. If again you have muscles toned and burly then drastically be mushy (not contains) then it ought to be wary. Diabetes symptoms usually appear one to sufferers of diabetes mellitus type 2.

6. Vision becomes blurry

Due to the high blood sugar levels of vision will be blurry. The lack of intake of the nutrients in the cells of the eye makes the lens of the eye becomes dry. This makes the eye lens is hard work as usual, so that vision became blurry and fuzzy.

Still no need to worry, because the symptoms of diabetes are reversible one (back to normal) along with the decline in blood sugar levels to a reasonable limit. However, when sugar continued to rise, possibly diabetics will experience permanent blindness.

7. Skin problems

Diabetes signs next is a skin problem. High blood sugar results in impaired blood circulation and dysfunctional sweat glands making the experience.

This condition makes a variety of skin problems such as dry, scaly, feel itchy, and even irritation. However, this symptom is quite difficult to detect as a sign of diabetes, because there are many other causes that make a problematic skin like that.

8. The process of restoration of the wound that is slow

The appearance of the wound when the body is not in good condition, such as excess blood sugar, immune system and making the immune be abnormal. The regeneration of the body's cells will be hampered because of the influence of the immune and blood sugar so that when the skin is exposed to the wounds will be difficult once cured. Even when exposed to the infection, decay will probably occur at the wound.

9. Disorders of the teeth and gums

The increased blood sugar sometimes makes teeth ache, especially for you who are suffering from a toothache perforated before. In addition to teeth, gums are not free from disturbance.

How To Remove The Sac Naturally Stunning In Black Eye

How to remove the SAC Naturally Black Eyes – have a sac of the eye, of course, will make an appearance we become less interesting, let alone you are a woman. Panda is actually not a serious health problem, but if left unchecked can lead to confidence being down. Even some experts argue the emergence of pockets of the eye could be an indicator of a person stricken with a disease.
How to remove the SAC of the eye naturally
Location Of Panda Eye Pouch
The causes of the emergence of SAC's own eyes is quite diverse. Lack of sleep can be one of the main causes of the emergence of this problem. According to health experts, one of the less sleep they have more melanin hormones. It is this hormone that can trigger the emergence of panda and premature aging. But besides sleep deprivation, some other conditions such as anemia, dehydration, exposure to sunlight, alcohol, smoking, and excessive use of makeup can also be attributed as the cause of the eye of the panda.

Then how do I remove eye pouch it huh? There are actually a lot in overcoming pouch black eyes that you can try. Start of care salon, beauty products, to the care of it naturally. But because I like the dude with the stuff that smells of nature, so this time I will try to share some of the ways of eliminating pouch black eyes naturally. Although the results are likely to be longer,  I assure you will not disappoint. Just check it out here!

1. Compress with ice cubes

Do you like watching boxing? Usually, when the pause time, the Boxer will face are compressed using a cold washcloth that has been dipped in water ice. Once examined, turned out to be ice cold nature capable of giving the freshness of the skin. Thus, the ice cubes are proven effective enough to remove panda eyes.

How to resolve sacs with ice cubes:

Prepare ice cubes to taste
There are 2 ways to do i.e. massage directly and use the help of the washcloth
If the already enough, you can apply ice cubes directly.

2. potato Mask

Previously I never discuss how to make a potato mask and its benefits. One benefit of this mask is able to prevent the presence of premature aging, ranging from wrinkles to the SAC.

Efficacy of potatoes this one may occur because she contains citric acid and phosphoric acid are quite high. The content proves to be capable of accelerating the referents of skin cells.

How to remove eye pouch with potatoes:

Peeled potato 1 piece, then puree
The human input into the thin cloth
Use for compresses an unused for 30 minutes
Do routinely before sleep and after you wake up in the morning

3. Mask Yam bean

Yam bean masks enriched with vitamin C and B1 are quite high. The content is quite beneficial to whiten skin naturally. But in addition, the high water content also believed can help remove the SAC of the eye naturally.

How to remove panda eyes with Yam bean:

Puree 1 fruit Yam bean peeled, you can
Use Yam bean last as a face mask for 30 minutes
But before using make sure you face clean of dirt
Let stand until it sinks in, then rinses with cold water.
When done regularly, your skin will glow brighter.

4. tea bag Compress
You know, what are the benefits of tea pouches? Apparently, the pouch of tea is quite beneficial to remove panda. The content of tannins that is present in tea pouches able to narrow your skin pores and naturally. With regular use, you will also be fresher.

How to remove eye pouch with tea: pouches

Prepare the two former tea pouch (can be plain tea or green tea)
Dip the tea pouches into cold water for 10 minutes
Next, attach the pouch to the area above the eye
Let sit for 20 minutes, then rinse with water until clean.

5. Cucumber Slices

Maybe the way this one already knows. Yup, by attaching to a sliced cucumber eye black pouch will then disappear. Cucumbers have properties which are useful for antigen waged a circulation at the surface layer of the skin.

How to remove eye Pouch Black with cucumber:

Fresh cucumber slices with a thickness of 1 cm
While you lay down the strips, attach each one to the eye area
Let sit for 30 minutes and feel the cool eve
In order to face more practical, you can also use a cucumber while applying natural face masks

6. Olive oil

A few days ago I read-read article about olive oil, this oil has been used by the Queen of Egypt named Cleopatra to care for skin after bathing.

Evident from the oil, he could have a skin that matchless beauty. Therefore, there is no harm if you use olive oil to overcome the SAC of the eye.

How to remove eye pouch with olive oil:

Each bathroom is finished (either morning or afternoon), apply olive oil on the area of the eye for 30 minutes
Do not forget to give a massage gently in order to infuse and working optimally.

7. Egg whites

Egg whites are a source of animal protein are quite high. Protein content has lots of benefits for skin beauty, including the one being able to tighten skin naturally. With the use of the egg whites into the area around the eyes, then the SAC of the eye would be lost very easily.

How to remove eye pouch with eggs:

Beat the egg whites to taste until bubbly
Apply egg white to the last part of the SAC of the eye, do not get exposed to the eye
Massage gently for 5 minutes, then let sit for up to 30 minutes
Finally, rinse with warm water until clean.