Saturday, September 9, 2017

IT IS IMPORTANT TO READ THE SMOKER ....!! In 72 Hours your lung will be Clean if you do something like this..!!!

In this world, there are many people who have never smoked but still have lung problems. While others, who have been smoking for 40 years, their lungs even in good condition is fine. It all depends on the organs of the body of each individual.

However, smoking continues to be one of the most dangerous bad habits, as it can cause serious side effects. Significantly, smoking can harm health, especially in the lungs, which can cause various problems, such as coughs, bronchitis, and others.

To that end, in this article, we will give you tips on how to clean up your lungs in just 72 hours. Here are a few things you need to prepare and perform.

 The first thing you should do is, get rid of all dairy products in your daily menu so that your body can excrete toxins from Your daily consumption products.
On the first day, you need to drink a cup of herbal tea before bed. This will help remove all the toxins cause constipation at bowel. During the process of purification, you are advised to not overload the lungs or other parts of your body with a difficult job.

Before breakfast, fruit juice of 2 lemon consumption mixed with 300 ml water. Consumption is also 300 ml grapefruit juice. If you don't like the taste, you can replace it with pineapple juice. Both of these juices contain natural antioxidants that can enhance the respiratory system.

Between breakfast and lunch, you must drink 300 ml of carrot juice. This juice helps you hacked alkalize your blood during 72 hours of cleaning.

During lunch time, consumption of 400 ml juice rich in potassium. Potassium acts as a cleansing tonic in large quantities. Also consumption of 400 ml cranberry juice before bed, that will help you combat the bacteria that can cause infections in the lungs.

In addition, you can pull out more toxins with a warm water bath for 20 minutes every day. In a bowl of hot water, enter the 5-10 drops of eucalyptus. Put your head over the bowl and cover with a towel. Breathe in the steam until the water cools.

Please share this info with your friends, relatives, and family.

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