Tuesday, September 12, 2017

How To Cure Acne Naturally

1. Treat Acne with garlic
Garlic is one of the main ingredients that have enough to tap very much for our agency one of which can be used to treat acne. How to treat acne with garlic cubes is a very easy step, small garlic cut then gave me every face first face of escape. Garlic can avoid the advent of acne is a new stone with a stop inflammation of the system. Even the exception can cure acne also avoid the advent of acne. Do with the regular up rocks that are completely healed!
2. Acne Obati with Sidagouri
How to treat acne stone clothing worn by evaporation in the face. His pace is very easy once you boil the living with a 2-3 glass of water to boil, then put your face on the head of the container that fills the soup Seagori it. Do this regularly for 1 or 2 days for results efficiently.
3. Treating Acne with potatoes
The ways you can use to treat acne with potato cubes using it as a mask. Mashed potatoes so he disintegrates and wears it as a mask, putting aside some time to dry, until then flush with warm water. By doing this with the regular God wills your acne rocks so far to recover.
4. Plant Crowns Goddess
The crown of God's plan benefits that are very effective in acne. When you start a flaming acne stone quickly until the pubic fruit, leaf or the root of God's Crown then paste on the face of the escape. The Crown Plant was God's anti-inflammatory and anti-drug residue efficiently to relieve inflammation and eliminate acne.
5. Acne in nominal with None
The frequency can be recognized as one of the benefits of rich fruits with distinctive aroma can cure acne. How to cope with wearing the pace of the road in juice so it can mean healing from within. How to make the first Nonona fruit juice by giving a few sugar cubes, then the stress and heat to boiling then drink at the time of the mosque. Fruits and sugar cubes that have the benefits of cleaning dirty blood in the face. These steps can be integrated by so-called healing from abroad when you want more efficient results.

Well, How to treat acne naturally you can try, but because this stone is an acne story is a very stubborn type of acne next the solution is to do consultation immediately to the doctor. So he can get the best treatment to treat your acne rocks. Then when you've recovered from acne so all you have to do next is prevent.
Acne Prevention Rock
  1. Get away from foods that are high in fatty, Perkoltherese, contain alcohol, chili or spicy-spicy, fried foods.
  2. For the sake of the consumption of vegetables and fruits.
  3. Always keep the face clean to clean the normal face and approach the bed.
  4. Clean the face first before wearing cosmetics.
  5. Double drink regular water and try drinking herbal tea in the morning.
  6. Using a mask of fruits naturally has the benefits of avoiding pimples and other fruits such as carrot, tomatoes, lemon, Bawang and so on.

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