You certainly are familiar with papaya.
Arguably, the papaya is a plant that grows in tropical Indonesia.
You can find papaya plants are everywhere.
Papaya is a fruit and plants that are versatile and can be eaten either raw or cooked.
In addition, interestingly this plant, not only its fruit can be consumed, but the leaves and the roots can you consume.
During this time, both the papaya fruit, root or leaves may be only utilized as foodstuff, but also has many benefits of papaya as medicine to ward off disease.
The leaves of plants in the family Caricaceae member it has a distinctive bitter taste and is traditionally known as antimalarial, antibacterial, and a bitter taste.
Research Ni Nyoman Mahatriny and colleagues from the Department of pharmacy of Udayana University, Bali, proved that papaya leaves have alkaloid group compounds, flavonoids, glycosides, and tannins.
The active compounds in the leaves of papaya that's efficacious thins the blood, lowering the levels of sugar, fat and dissolve in the blood. Avail another, papaya leaves are also capable of inhibiting and off breast cancer cells due to flavonoids are powerful antioxidants.
According to a specialist in the disease in the Central General Hospital Dr. Sardjito, Yogyakarta, Prof Nyoman Kertia SpPD, triggers breast cancer include heredity, hygiene, breast feeding, and never an age.
Other triggers the cancer cells are free radicals or carcinogenic materials. In fact, the body produces antioxidants to ward off free radicals. However, when too many free radicals while antioxidants produced the insufficient body to fight free radicals, it will cause oxidative stress or an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants.
The imbalances that triggered the deoxyribose nucleic acid damage (DNA) which resulted in the onset of cancer. To increase the number of antioxidants in the body, the necessary intake of foods containing antioxidants such as fruit or vegetables. As one of the vegetables, papaya leaves contain compounds that act as antioxidants flavonoids. A faculty member in the Department of Health Nutrition, Faculty of medicine, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Fatma Zahrotun Nisa ' examine the 5 types of papaya leaves to search for one type of papaya leaves which has a high antioxidant activity to be tested its ability to inhibit growth and stimulate breast cancer cell death.
Fifth is the papaya leaves Grendel, Bangkok, Kalina, purple, and gold. Fatma acquires papaya leaves it from farmers in Bantul, Yogyakarta. Of the five types of papaya, papaya Grendel has turned out to be the highest in antioxidants. Grendel is better known as papaya papaya landing or manly because it did not bear fruit and produce flowers.
Suicidal cancer
Fatma continues research with specific efficacy testing and effect on breast cancer cells MCF-7 in fertilization. In a study that compares the ability of inhibition of Fatma, extract of papaya leaves with pure compounds quercetin and doxorubicin.
Doxorubicin is an antibiotic the anthracyclines, which is widely used for chemotherapy. As for quercetin are as ordinary and antioxidant found in vegetables, fruits, and leaves. From the test results, the inhibitory concentration IC50 or 50 percent of cancer cells obtained 3.78 to doxorubicin micrograms/ml, quercetin 111, 36 micrograms per ml, while papaya leaves 1319.25 micrograms per ml. Values of IC50 of papaya leaves are larger because it is a material food, not drugs or pure compounds such as doxorubicin and quercetin.
On the test of apoptosis or cell death, Fatma using papaya leaf extract concentration of half of the value of the IC50, obtained in testing the inhibition of the growth of breast cancer cells. The result doses of papaya leaf extract 659.63 micrograms per ml are capable of turning out 22.54% breast cancer cells. While the doxorubicin deadly breast cancer cells to 86.80%. In addition, the mother of three children that also tested the effect of the combination of papaya leaf extract and doxorubicin. The results show that the combination with 50:50 comparison is able to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells to 87.42%.
The advantages of the use of food as an anti cancer are acted specifically against cancer cells. Normal cells that surround cancer cells are not affected by the ability of papaya leaf extract, so that normal cells do not experience death or apoptosis. While the use of chemotherapy drugs such as doxorubicin can lead to the death of normal cells or often known as side effects.
Herbalist in Bogor, West Java province, Valentina Indrajati, also use the papaya leaves Grendel to cure breast cancer. According to Valentina papaya leaves Grendel his siblings
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