Saturday, September 23, 2017

The Cause Of The Fever And The Correct Treatment

Usually, the cause of fever in the human body is already known in the day 1-2. If you find the cause of the fever that occurs in your body or your family is not satisfactory because the virus then immediately check for yourself or your family doctor.
The temperature of the human body can vary depending on the situation and the conditions. Hypothermia usually occurs in the morning and increases during the day and night. The average temperature of the human body is 37 °c. The body temperature is called natural if between 36.5 S. D 37.5 ° C. Some factors that can affect the temperature of the human body are physical activity and menstrual periods.
Some causes of fever that usually occur in the human body :
  1. Basasmoni, for example, after receiving a pneumococcal or tuberculosis vaccine.
  2. Different types of viruses and bacteria infection such as a sore throat, poisoning, meningitis, typhoid, dysentery, smallpox, urinary tract infections (t).
  3. Infection caused by mosquito bite, dengue fever, malaria, and chikungunya.
  4. Effects of drug consumption such as antibiotics, antidepressants, and antiretroviral drugs.
  5. Stand very long when the scorching sun during the day.
  6. Arthritis and hyperthyroidism disease.
  7. Leukemia (leukemia), liver cancer, lung cancer.

So some things that can cause fever on the human body. Health information about the cause of fever in the human body can add health insight to the reader. The next reading also causes fever in young children.

Treatment of fevers to treat fever conditions on your body. Treating and treating fevers that can help the right to heal from fevers. Readers are encouraged to read in advance the cause of the fever before this topic in order to find out some factors that can cause fevers.
In fact, we don't need a fever antibiotic in conditions that are not very high and not long but for our body is to be comfortable with fever then there are some medications lowering fevers that you can buy in your pharmacies and dope stores.
Some examples of drugs to reduce fevers and overcome the consequences of infection are:
  1. Paracetamol and ibuprofen. A person who has a fever usually eats and does not sleep will feel uncomfortable. Drink the appropriate drug doses listed on the medication card or as recommended by the doctor. The consumption of the medication at the paracetamol dose and the long term can lead to the destruction of liver and kidney functions.
  2. Aspirin. Aspirin is especially drugs for adults. Not for children. This medication can cause the emergence of Riyi syndrome, a disease that can affect the brain and the heart. Aspirin can be found in drug stores and pharmacies without a prescription.
  3. Antibiotics. The medication is given on the basis of prescription if the doctor diagnosed the presence of bacterial infection causes fever, such as pneumonia.

Here's how you can help relieve the fever:
  1. Enough comfort to regain stamina while maintaining the body's immune system. Because if a lot of activity can cause body temperature to increase.
  2. Wear thin clothes and being in the room which is cool.
  3. Cokobe fluid your body needs by drinking enough mineral water to avoid dehydration.

The fever needs to be controlled because you are likely to suffer complications due to fever, such as severe dehydration, hallucinations, and seizures.
Next the proper treatment of the information fever. Check with the doctor if the fever fails to heal within 3 days. Hope not to recover soon.

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