Wednesday, September 20, 2017

10 Natural Masks for Facial Breakouts

Acne is the dirt that settles and froze on the skin area, which generally occurs on the face. Automatically the presence of acne it made an appearance there face is lacking. Even not rarely are willing to perform a range of treatments to clean sweep the issue on the face of it. As one of the best solution, natural masks for facial breakouts are reliable in treating advance at once stain-removing blemishes without side effects.
Natural masks for Facial Breakouts

The natural way is safer and the result is certainly a good thing because the face skin is not only clean but also healthy looking natural. The selection of the mask as a component of the treatment can also be reached with a few ingredients from around. With the meaning of the word acne on the face, cleaning unnecessary struggled because there is a simple way that reaps results. As for some natural stain removal acne mask in question is as follows:
The mask of banana fruit

The Banana fruit has a high antioxidant content. Played an important role in maintaining the health of facial skin as well as make existing acne gradually faded. Wearing a mask of Bananas are also convenient for all types of skin from the face of the oily or dry. Now in use is as follows:

Grab a banana, and fruit Peel and puree.
One spoon of honey on the Banana has been smooth. Then stir it evenly into the pasta.
Apply on the face as a mask and let sit for 30 minutes before rinse until clean.

Mask of the grapes

This fruit can be used as masks busting acne due to nutrients in the form of vitamin A and E undertook to treat facial for free from the problems concerned. What's with the antioxidant content of his hardness, protects the face optimally. In its use, this can mask and fresh with:

Take some grapes and puree with a blender.
Add a tablespoon of honey on the grapes that have been fine then stir until evenly distributed.
Sweep evenly on the face for about 30 minutes and after that can be rinsed until clean.

Mask from honey

Honey is indeed a material that is full of benefits, especially in the world of skin care. Where honey can be used to sweep clean up existing acne on the face. The Course of natural honey that later can be mixed with salt, lime juice, olive oil, carrots or egg whites. Then mixed and stirred until evenly distributed. It was only on the entire face and rinse after 30 minutes later.
Pineapple Fruit

The enzyme Bromelain is one of the names of enzymes found in pineapple fruit. The performance of this enzyme makes the skin regeneration process more smoothly. Likewise, with the presence of pimples on the face can be removed and handed to its roots. Acne would not be grown again and again. Treatment with pineapple fruit is pretty easy: with a blend of fruit and later used as a mask. However, natural masks for facial breakouts can be added with honey to refine the composition that gives the goodness on the skin of the face in order to be free from acne.
Mangosteen Fruit

The skin of the fruit of the Mangosteen is utilized for various treatment and one of them is the troubleshooting on the face. Acne is one of those stubborn stains that can be addressed with extra skin Mangosteen. Can use directly on the inside of the Mangosteen rind itself or by boiling it first. It was only the water results from the rind decoction is used to mask or face wash.
Lemon and honey mask

In the world of beauty, lemon has almost the same properties with lemon. Because it is the fruit of this one very potent serve as natural ingredients to address acne. And we can make you at home. The trick, take a fresh lemon fruit taken in her Sari and then mix with 1 teaspoon honey. Before applying this honey lemon mask, wash your face first with warm water. After that, apply a lemon mask on your face evenly. Let stand for 30 minutes, then rinse with cold water. Clean and pat dry with a soft towel.
Strawberry Mask

This is actually a combination of multiple mask ingredients, i.e. strawberry, honey, and lemon. The third such material has great efficacy in removing stubborn acne on your face. In addition to containing natural antioxidants, strawberry also contains salicylic acid which is the main ingredient in Acne removal products. Okay, we're just on the ingredients and the way of its application.

Required materials:
4 pieces of fresh strawberries
2 tbsp honey
1 tbsp fresh lemon water
2 tbsp yogurt without a sense of
How To Use:

Strawberry fruit Blender until smooth, put it in the container.
Mix lemon water with honey and yogurt mix well.
On the face is clean, apply a mask of strawberry with the aid of the brush mask. You can use it also at the neck.
Let sit for 10-15 minutes.
Rinse with cold water, dry the face with a soft towel.

Ginger Masks

Ginger is one of the spices that are nutritious to health. So also in the world of beauty, one powerful tool to get rid of pimples on the face. By consuming other gingerly, you're already doing treatment for acne from within. But in order for better feel and drank again, you can use ginger as natural face masks to cope with acne from outside. The trick is as follows:

Take ginger, wash clean, Peel his skin.
Grated ginger to taste until smooth, set aside.
Clean the face and flush with warm water.
A Paste of grated ginger in skin breakouts.
Let stand for 15 minutes.
Rinse with cold water, Pat-Pat with a clean towel.

Do the treatment regularly. A maximum of 2 times a week, do not be excessive because too often it is not good though to use the natural way.
Young Corn Mask

Young corn is usually used as a vegetable or vegetable stir fry made clear. But the young corn also has other benefits in the world of beauty. One of them is used as a natural mask to eliminate acne while removing acne scars. Young corn mask is suitable for all skin types oily skin starts to dry skin. The materials needed to start treatment is young to taste and corn 1/2 tablespoon honey.

How To Use:

Young to taste corn, washed clean and then shredded until smooth.
Combine corn and honey until well blended.
Apply the mask on the face that was already cleared, You can wear it at the acne scars.
Let sit for 20 minutes, rinse with clean water.
This mask would be better used for acne scars that are still new. Use the mask up to 2 times a day regularly until acne is reduced.

Brown Sugar Mask

Brown sugar is a seasoning that is almost always present in every cuisine of Indonesia. Brown sugar made from lead water "nira" from coconut or Palm. But it turns out that in addition to being used as a spice, brown sugar can also be used as ingredients for beauty care. In this case, we will use sugar as a natural mask to eliminate acne. The benefits of this brown sugar mask are to remove dirt and dead skin cells that can become a cause of acne. How organic brown sugar dissolves in water to taste then apply it evenly on the face. Let stand for a few minutes until it dries itself, then rinse with clean water. Use a face cleanser SOAP if necessary.
How To Prevent Acne Come Again

There are many natural ingredients from the vicinity which can be utilized to overcome acne up to the root. In addition to the outer side of the care, prevention of acne do not come again so that it can also be attempted. As for how to prevent problems on the face including the acne nor the other are as follows:

Diligent washing face, especially before going to bed, after activity, etc.
Cleanse the face with cosmetic products suitable for the skin. Occurs whenever the irritation immediately discontinues it.
Select warm water to wash your face because it is more secure to cleanse the face.
Protect areas of the face from dust or pollution, especially when going out. Can use masks or helmets so that dirt from the outside of the term minimalism
Implement a healthy lifestyle, because after all, intake from inside over the adequacy of the fruit and vegetable greatly influences the health of the skin.
Regular exercise in order to be always fresh and awake.
A pretty white water consumption i.e. 2 liters a day.
Quality breaks i.e. 8 hours in every day.

Customize the facial skin kindness is not enough from the outside but from the inside as well. Until eventually, facial breakouts from natural ingredients to work more effectively. So with the use of herbal masks that are intended to address acne from outside. Then the balanced treatment of the issue in order to be in on the face really lost the most. Acne while mark continues to fade, would stain the rest of acne is not covered by the new acne again. []

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