Saturday, August 19, 2017

The causes of excess uric acid in the body

Before discussing the causes of gout, it is worth first to discover what is actually about uric acid. Human cells, human beings are no exception, have a structure called DNA near the nucleus of the hive. When the cells die, the DNA in these cells will be divided into the amino acids that make up the material ie. of several types of amino acids out there, there is an amino acid called bio that, which is then processed by the body in other chemicals. The body metabolism of chemicals resulting from Albion, with uric acid as a product dump. Uric acid is what should be filtered by the kidneys to get rid of the body through the urine.

High levels of uric acid in the blood if not treated immediately can cause uric acid accumulation in the kidneys. Uric acid that accumulates can also form crystals in joints and surrounding tissue diseases called gout.
The cause of gout on the basis of the production mechanism and the god's
mechanism to form uric acid and remove from the body at a glance looks complicated. But knowing, we can understand what causes uric acid accumulation in the body. The production process is seen as well as removed, and the following are possible causes of uric acid in the body experiencing an increase in:
• Number of cells in the body dies
Uric acid is the product of the waste of biotherapy. Albion is one of the amino acids components of DNA, which will crumble until the cell passes death. Therefore, individuals who carry a high load of dead cells are susceptible to accumulation of uric acid. Usually, individuals who suffer from cancer (including leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma multiple), or who undergo cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, and a dead cells in his body.
This is due to the rapid release of dead cells in the bloodstream of patients suffering from cancer and undergoing chemotherapy. In the treatment of cancer, chemotherapy not only kills cancer cells but also cells that are still healthy. Therefore, on the individual there will be a lot of DNA described as becoming indoors, which causes increased uric acid.
In addition to cancer, there are other medical conditions that cause uric acid in the body is an increase, such as anemia and sickle cell anemia (sickle cell anemia). Anemia anemia is a disease that occurs when red blood cells suffer from death faster than the speed of bone marrow produces red blood cells.
While in sickle cell anemia, there is an abnormality of red blood cells properly shaped rounded and flexible to be crescent-shaped and hard-on. The form of red blood cells that cause the transport of nutrients and oxygen throughout the body. Lack of nutrients and oxygen cause more cells body passes death compared to individuals with regular red blood cells.
• Kidney disease
One of the causes of uric acid in the body is an increase when the person suffers from kidney disease, which is reduced in total capacity to filter waste. In this case, although the production of uric acid in the body, the kidney becomes incapable of being naturally removed from the body, leading to elevated levels of uric acid in the blood. Alternatively, the accumulation of uric acid in the blood can also cause kidney stones or kidney failure.
• Some drugs
If you are at a time of treatment, some medications that consume may affect uric acid levels in the blood. These drugs are diuretic (medications that are to increase urine production), vitamin B3, vitamin C, aspirin low dose (75-100 mg per day), anti-coagulation medications, medication, autoimmune medicine (cure for Parkinson's disease), and type of drug relapse.
• Obesity
We have learned that a person with excess body weight is exposed to severe vulnerability to a variety of health problems. Not only has she seen a limited ability of motion and is tired quickly. High blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, strokes, respiratory disorders, and heart disease is just a bit of the many problems that lurk in sick obesity. Now, one more health risk increase will appear for people who are obese, i.e. increase uric acid levels.
Through some research, obesity is also believed as one of the causes of uric acid in the body is increased. This is because the fatty tissue is believed to be able to increase the production of uric acid. Two things are intertwined and this should be able to provide enlightenment to those who are obese, and it's time for you to enhance and improve the commitment of lifestyle to lose weight and achieve healthier lives.
Before prescribing drugs, the physician is usually the first to recommend practice to patients with obesity. To lose weight, a recent study published in the oncology collector shows that the optimum amount of time to work out is 300 minutes a week, with medium or high density. Of course, it is possible to lose weight by practicing less than 300 minutes a week. The principle is, calories must be burned more than calories in... To that end, it was also essential to modify the diet.
• High Diet in Buffy
Talking about diet, eating foods that contain a lot of biotic is also one of the causes of uric acid in the body is an increase. addition to being produced by the body naturally, one type of amino acid is also found in food.
Types of foods that must be reduced because of the very high bio content among other organ meats (liver, kidney, brain), red meat (including beef and mutton, the pork, all four legs), meat from the hunted cattle (not farmed), and many species of fish (sardines, herring, should also avoid consuming alcohol.
addition to foods with very high content of brine, there are types of foods also high in food but experts who still let them eat once in a while, such as oysters and fish-marine marine Although there are several types of foods that you should limit the number of Asasnia, do not worry about the lack of nutrients. There are still many other types of nutrients that have a safe nutritional value for your consumption.
Tomatoes, fruits, legumes, green vegetables, for example, are not only low but contain iron, folic acid, calcium, and other vitamins. Butter and cheese, eggs also contain low (although the nutrients have to be beware if you have high cholesterol levels). While you can replace alcohol with chocolate, cocoa, coffee and tea.
Of the various probable causes of gout that have been identified above, we end up knowing that the occurrence of elevated levels of uric acid in the body can be the beginning of something that is not simple. However, by knowing the exact cause, the proper handling of lowering uric acid levels will be done. We hope that this article will be useful to all of us.

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